Chapter one

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Only 5 more minutes until the bell rings and I get to go home.

I was currently tapping my pencil on the desk trying to make a beat. At least trying to get my mind off of the time.

The teacher was now finishing his discussion on the English Civil War. 

"The war was won by Parliament, but after the death of Oliver Cromwell in 1658 dissent led to disorder and the monarchy was restored in 1660. For eleven years, from 1649-60 England was a republic." He said with a bored tone

4 minutes left

He handed us the homework from last night.

From what I heard, everyone was getting A's. So that made me worry less.

Until he got to my desk.

He put the paper on my desk and said "Not your best work Evelyn"

I looked at the paper and grimaced at the big red F on my paper.

The bell rung.

I stood up and walked to the teachers desk.

"Is there any way I can make this up?" I asked with a puppy dog face

"I am sorry Evelyn but you can't. You are now failing this class. But the only way you could improve your grade is to study. If you even know how to do that." He said 

"But can I a-at least have e-extra credit or s-something? I stuttered

"No Evelyn there is none. Now if you excuse me, I need to lock up the class room." He replied in an annoyed tone

I cursed under my breath and walked out of the classroom.

It made me smile when I saw my best friend Sophia waiting for me outside of my classroom.

"What happened? We are going to be late to drama club." She said sounding concerned

I frowned while handing her last nights homework.

"Evelyn! This is the 5th time you have gotten an F!" She said

"I know! But every time I study, my mind just goes somewhere else. Like anything will distract me from my studying" I replied sadly

"Well you need to figure it out soon because if Mr. Jackson finds out that you got another F, he will definitely kick you off of drama club. And you won't be able to perform or even try out for the lead roll in the play we are about to have auditions for. And don't deny it because I am making you audition for the lead roll. You have the best singing voice i've ever heard and you'd be perfect for the lead roll. But that's why I am here to help you break out of your shell. And also-" She rambled

"Okay! I promise from now on I am going to try my best to graduate and get all A's if you stop talking." I said cutting her off

She covered her mouth with her hand quickly after hearing that.

"Better." I said nodding

We walked in silence the rest of the way to drama club. The school was basically empty except for band practicing in band room and cheerleaders practicing for the football game coming up this Saturday. It was Monday and I wasn't really in the mood to go anyways.

When we were about to enter the  auditorium, Sophia hugged me.

"You know that I love you right?" She said

"Hmm... I'm not sure. Who are you again?" I said while tapping my chin

She punched my arm 

"Ow! I'm just kidding! I love you too bestie" I said with a hopeful smile

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