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Saint was too focused on tasting the other one's sweet lips and touching every inch of his skin, to realize that someone was calling them. Zee was completely in his hands, he could perceive it perfectly from his sights and the intense moans that Zee couldn't hold from time to time.

That feeling of control made him lose his mind. He knew well that part of it was his fault, but seeing the older one react in that way because of his attentions, made him feel strong and quite horny. And, judging by the pressure that he could feel near his leg, Saint was pretty sure that he wasn't the only horny one in that room.

"CUT... CUT!"

It was just a moment: Saint was able to restore the touch with reality, finally realizing where he was. Pretty disappointed, he quickly parted his lips from the other one's and it seemed that Zee wasn't happy either about that sudden change. He sat down on the bed, trying to clear his head and to stop his heart from beating that fast. Saint avoided to look at Zee for too long, but he could see that even he had problems to clear his own mind. And a very quick look at his trousers, assured him that he was not just imagining things.

Saint listened half-heartedly to the director's words, smiling and nodding when he thought it would be needed, but the feelings that he felt before were still vivid in his mind. He could still feel Zee's mouth on his chest and his sweet taste on his red and swollen lips. Saint tried to keep a neutral expression, but he could sense the heat on his cheeks and especially on his ears, that were probably quite red at that point.

How far would he have gone if he didn't stop himself?

When the director ran behind the monitors to have a look at the shooting results, Saint got up from the bed, barely turning towards Zee, before heading to P'Chen.

His manager was enjoying the scene, sitting in a corner of the room, close to a fairly amused Tommy. Saint sighed deeply, before wearing his usual "nothing can upset me" mask, and he put on his mouth a sly smile. It was sheer luck that he was pretty good at hiding his feelings when it was most needed.

"Hey Nong, we brought home this scene too and in the best way we could. I'm thinking maybe you and Zee are getting too much used to it? Don't you think, Tommy?"

P'Chen never missed a chance to make fun of him. Saint knew, even before standing up from the bed, how the things would turn out: his manager was way too predictable, especially if he had someone to back him up and, in this case, it was P'Tommy.

"Absolutely! By now, you and P'Zee are so familiar with this kind of scene that even the cuts cannot stop you. For a moment I really thought I would see something that my brain would have a hard time forgetting."

Before confronting them, Saint printed a cool smile on his face.

"What can I say, a very good actor could do this and more. P'Zee and I are the best in bizzle. Now, P'Tommy, we just have to wait until tomorrow so that we could see if you and Jimmy will be at our level."

Saint was pleased to see that his sound bite had hit the mark. Tommy blushed instantly and the younger couldn't help himself but winking at him.

1-0 for Saint!

"Sure... well, now I think I will go to my room. I have so many things to settle for tomorrow, you know, the shooting. See you later."

Saint's smile widened at the sight of a completely panicked P'; they didn't understand that, even if he was still young, he wasn't the type of person that felt embarrassed for everything. Or, at least, he was good at hiding it.

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