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Four kits play-tackled each other, every second a little squeak would come out of one of them. "There beautiful Lightfang" a black tom mewed, padding up to her.

"Why thank you Moonstar" she looked at the four "it really is a miracle that I had four". Moonstar touched noses with Lightfang

"No, your the miracle to me".

Lightfang licked her scruff embarrassingly and Moonstar smirked, his Amber eyes shining with respect and love.

"Moonstar,-er we caught some rouges on the border" a brown small tabby squeaked his tail moving worriedly.

Moonstar rapidly padded away without saying goodbye.
"Eeeee" Dawnkit squealed, Twilightkit had just pinned her to the ground.

"I will be a warrior while you will be the Medicine cat" Twilightkit yelled at the smaller kit.

Lightfang rushed over to comfort the little kit, as comforting her, Lightfang heard a cry,.. not just any cry, but a battle cry.

Three grown warriors came to protect the nursery while the others attacked. Moonstar was no where to be seen.

Eclipsekit and Twilightkit begged to help but as little as they were, they couldn't.

Disobeying, Eclipsekit and Twilightkit silently slipped out. They were followed by Duskit and Dawnkit. A very skinny cat jumped out in front of them and he took Duskit and Twilightkit. Another warrior suddenly nabbed Eclipsekit and Dawnkit and followed the skinny rouge.

Lightfang was looking every where for the kits.

"This is all my fault" said a small apprentice.

"Sunpaw it's not your fault, you were a great help" Lightfang reassured though fear was taking controll of her mind.

A black tiny she-cat ran up to Lightfang and mewed " I just patrolled the border and I'm sorry but the kits are no where to be found"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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