"Granny Tuney, there's a lady at the door who wants to talk to you!" he shouted. Harri heard quickly padding towards the entrance. She saw Petunia before the older woman saw her. Time hadn't been good to her aunt. Most of her blonde hair was grey and slightly stringy, her blue eyes were dull and tired and she seemed a little too thin.

As soon as her Aunt's eyes landed on Harri, her skin paled at least three shades. Harri was worried the poor woman was going to faint. "It's been awhile, hasn't it, Aunt Petunia. I'm surprised that you still live here. We have a lot to discuss," Harri stated, walking into the house without being invited in.

"Why are you here?" She asked horsely. Harri saw that her Aunt was eyeing her nervously.

"Your grandson has been invited to Hogwarts and I'm here to give him his letter and explain what's going to happen. I'll need to speak to his mother as well," Harri replied and Petunia pulled out a phone and made a call.

The call didn't last long, but it seemed that Devon's mother was coming back home. Petunia led Harri to the sitting room where the sat awkwardly. Harri wasn't about to talk to her, she had better things to do, like count the floor boards or look at her nails.

"Ms. Harri, is it true that I'm a wizard?" a small voice asked from the doorway. It was Devon, clutching his Hogwarts letter to his chest. The raven haired woman nodded with a smile and the young boy did a happy dance. "Can you show me some magic?"

Harri laughed at his enthusiasm. "Sure, let me pull out my wand," she said with a wink. Harri pulled out the cloth bag that Hermione gave her all those years ago for her birthday. She opened it and pulled out her wand, making Devon gape and Petunia turn a nasty shade of grey. They both knew that an even inch wand couldn't come out of a five inch pouch.

"Will I learn to do that?" Devon asked in awe, his hazel eyes wide.

"That was nothing. The bag is charmed to hold a lot of things in it. You'll learn more when you go-"

"You aren't going Devon!" Petunia snapped and Harri raised an eyebrow.

"Where isn't Devon going, Petunia?" A quiet feminine voice asked from the entry way. 

The woman was very familiar to Harry, she had spent a few years in class with her. "Susan? Susan Bones, it's been a long time. I didn't know that you married my cousin!" Harri said astonished, but the witch stood up and hugged her old friend. She noticed that Susan's eyes narrowed at Petunia for a moment before she smiled at Devon.

"After Hogwarts I went into social work between muggle and magical people. Quite frequently I'm taking magical children from abusive homes," Susan replied sadly. Harri nodded, understanding the situation. She had heard, more often than not, muggle families abusing their children because of their unexplainable magical powers.

"You're one of them! Did Dudley know what you were?" Petunia hissed, stepping away from Susan and Harri.

"Yes, he did and he thought that it was brilliant! He was excited when I told him that Devon would be going to a school for children gifted with magic. Unlike you, he wasn't prejudice! I can't believe that Dudley and Harri are related to you! No wonder Dudley told me not to tell you about my abilities," Susan huffed, arms crossed.

The rest of Harri's afternoon was spent pacifying Petunia Dursley. By the time she got home she was drained, but she could hear crashing coming from inside the house. She groaned and walked in to find Teddy, whose hair was a light sandy brown, on the ground with Lila holding a pillow threateningly over him. Lila's hair was in a messy bun on the top of her head, and her green eyes were flashing dangerously. "Don't smother him," Harri warned as she walked out of the room.

"Harri!" Teddy shouted before she heard him yelp before her daughter attacked.

"Don't you ever avoid me again, you prat!" she shouted and Harri heard the multiple thumps of the pillow hitting her godson. 

Harri quickly summoned some pots, pans and cooking ingredients for dinner. It was her turn to cook tonight. She was just going to make pasta and some sauce tonight, she really didn't feel up to anything else.

Around fifteen minutes later Harri saw her son walk into the kitchen. His raven colored hair standing up on all ends on his head. His blue eyes were tired, it seemed that he woke up from a nap. "Smells great, mum. Is dad coming home tonight?" he asked, pulling out silverware and plates to set at the table a room over.

George sometimes loses track of time with his brother in their joke shop. "He better be or he's sleeping on the couch tonight," he muttered and she heard Jace snort.

"I thought Teddy was staying on the couch tonight. Apparently, Ariana brought a bloke home and he doesn't want to be in their flat for a few days," Jace commented absently. Harri wondered if Sirius knew that his daughter had a love interest. She smirked, she hoped that he found out by accident, his face would be priceless.

"Then your father will be sleeping on the floor," Harri replied bluntly.

"I'm sleeping on the floor?" A familiar voice questioned from kitchen entryway. Jace edged out of the room when he saw his dad walk over to his mum and wrap his arms around her waist.

"You would have been if you forgot to come home again," Harri responded, giving him a quick kiss.

"When have I ever done that?" George asked innocently, sounding slightly offended.

"Would you like the list in a letter or an email?" Harri replied. Harri made sure that her family was well aware of muggle technology and how to use it, especially since Sirius' business went global in the Muggle world. Surprisingly, he was very good with making parts for machines, that with a little magic, rarely broke.

"Don't get cheeky, love," George mock scolded, his blue eyes glittering with mischief. It might have been twenty years, but nothing had changed between her and George. They still acted like lovesick teenagers. Harri was enjoying the peace of time passing. She gently raised a hand to her collarbone and traced an outline of a scar that had appeared a year after she had returned from the past, right where the second killing curse had hit her. It was a peculiar one, it was a triangle with a circle and a single line down the middle. She wasn't sure what it meant, but she figured that only time would tell.

So, ending one is the real ending. The second ending is the paradox ending, which is my favorite ending. No one saw it coming originally, and I doubt that anyone here will see it coming either. 

Thank you for the comments and questions. Someone asked me if I was going to post any other work here and currently after this I don't have plans to put something else up. I'm working on my own novel and dealing with college, so I don't have time to write anything else. 


I don't own Harry Potter

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