"i'll try my best"

"later then, toka! love you!" (y/n) hurriedly signed, running through the halls just to get to the newspaper club's club room.

yes, she is indeed a part of the newspaper club. after the accident that caused her depletion, she had no other better choice of a club to join other than journalism and it isn't that bad of a club since everyone's so kind and she's coming to love what they do in the club.

catching her breath, she knocked on the wooden door, sliding it open to reveal their club adviser and editor-in-chief along with some of the other members as she walks towards the teacher's desk.

"(l/n)-chan" the adviser looks at the student in front of her who's patiently waiting for the news to break out. "what do you think of sports writing? i was thinking of placing you in the sports section as a tryout. we'll just see what you could do and go on from there"

after processing what her adviser just told her, the (s/c)-skinned girl beamed with happiness as she quickly agrees with the adviser's decision. surely she had no reason to decline.

"great! well, the other people in the sports section has their plate full with different sports clubs" the adviser pauses as she looks through paperwork "so i'll have to put you up with the boy's volleyball club. is that alright with you, (l/n)-chan?"

the said girl grins at the older lady, bowing her head slightly. "thank you, sensei"

"no problem at all, (l/n)-chan!" the brunette woman says, patting the younger one's head. "off you go now. oh and the next official match would be on August"

"noted! thanks again!"

walking out of the club room, (y/n) makes her way to one of the gyms where yachi is supposed to be when her (e/c) orbs saw the near vending machine.

as she stood in front of it, she took out enough money for a carton of milk and immediately bends down as soon as the drink was rolled out. standing up straight, she was about to stab the carton with the straw when she felt a figure behind her.

slowly looking back, she saw a boy around her age with short, black hair, dark blue eyes that could be associated with the dark sea, and a slim fit body.

the shorter girl traces his eyes' direction which is leading to the box of milk that was in her grasp. realizing what that meant, the said girl quickly takes out her phone, typing away.

the thirsty boy looks at her confusingly but decides to let her be on her own. of course he was eyeing the milk carton in the (h/l)-haired girl's hand since he was planning on getting two of those - one for drinking now and another for after practice but she just has to foil that plan of his.

after a few taps, the delighted girl puts her phone in front of the setter, making him flinch a little but still got her signal to look at her phone screen.

this isn't what he expected at all. well, no one expects a girl to type into her phone and shove it in front of a complete stranger's face.

"would you want some?"

the blueberry found it weird. why would she have to type that on her phone when she could've just spoke to him directly? however, he paid no mind to it and looked back to the girl who's waiting for his answer.

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