chapt 2

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                                                                                                Callen, Sam and Kensi are in the bullpen, talking about Deeks. They all want him to come back as soon as possible, even if they don’t say those exact words out loud. They’re not exactly the type of people who just go around showing what they’re feeling. So, they hide. They’re good at it. That’s what they do for a living: they’re professional liars. Sure, when it comes to lying to each other, they’re not exactly great.

                                                                                                     That’s why they’re all aware of the unspoken truth. They all want Deeks back, the member of the team who is currently nowhere to be found. But instead of saying so, they laugh about his whining in the hospital, about his flirty with the female medical staff even though he could barely say two words without being out of breath.

That’s how Hetty finds them when she comes in followed by a young man in his early 30’s perhaps, 5’8” and short black hair. His look is rather casual, just some jeans and a black t-shirt.

                                                                                               Kensi can’t help but see him as a Deeks wannabe and that makes her grin as she remembers calling a similar thing to Deeks once, while undercover. ‘Wannabe Wyler’ were her exact words, the one thing she thought the first time she ever set eyes on him. But she had quickly found out that he was much more than his looks, even though she loved to tease him.


                                                                                There was something about him that drove her crazy right from the start. Their constant banter was one of the things she secretly looked forward every single day. With the amount of negative things they have to deal with while at work, that interaction was a nice distraction. And, truth to be told, she likes knowing that he always has her back. It gives her a sense of security she can’t get from anyone else. There is no one else she’d rather have as her partner. She never thought she would say that of anyone after Dom, but Deeks is so different from him that it never felt like she was replacing one partner with another. Deeks has taken his own spot on the team and as her partner.

                                                                               Sam and Callen, for example, have been partners for 5 years now. That’s five years of watching each other’s backs. She lost Dom and pretty much every man she cared about. Her dad had been killed, Dom had been killed and Jack had chosen to leave. Now, Deeks is gone. Well, she’s pretty sure he’s not gone in the real sense of the word but he’s still not there, with her, by her side. And just who the hell is this guy?

                                                                                  Callen looks towards Sam, wondering the exact same thing. There is no way Hetty would even think about replacing Deeks. As insufferable as he could be sometimes, he’s still a part of the team. He’s still a member they learned to deal with, one they’re now happy to deal with. Even Callen’s big brother complex seems at ease with Deeks. After all, he has proved time and time again that he is more than capable of keeping Kensi safe (even though she always says she doesn’t need anyone to protect her).

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