Chapter Six

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While Hawks stands on the stage with the others in the Top Ten Heroes, he kept getting old looks ever since his grand entrance. Hawks knows that it's only because he has Naofumi in the baby holder and he noticed the look that lady from the Commissions gave him too. Nonetheless, he could care less about all the looks he's getting.

"We chose to put on this kind of event this time because we saw that this was a critical juncture," a woman speaks into the mic. Her back facing the Top Ten. "It's been about three months since All Might's retirement. There are still rumors that we are lacking an icon, but the heroes who will bear the future are right here. Let us work toward a peaceful society with them."

Hawks moves his upper body while keeping his feet planted on the floor. He then looks to the man beside him. "How does it feel to be number one?"

Endeavor quickly glares at him, not fazed by seeing a baby on Hawks's person. Hawks makes a gesture of zipping his lips shut while Naofumi simply stares at Endeavor. Endeavor sees the baby staring at him and Naofumi lets out a coo, his little hands wanting to reach out to Endeavor.

"And now, let's have a comment from each person!"

"Thank you very much," Ryukyu started, the staff holding a microphone out to the Number Ten Hero. "But if I could have refused, I would have. There were lives I should have been able to save, but didn't. I will strike to become a hero worthy of the rank I received."

"I get you, Ryukyu!" The Shield Hero exclaimed, standing near Ryukyu. "The anguish in your heart! The remorse! We must stand tall! You can do it, Ryukyu! Let's do our best!"

"Crust, it's not your turn yet," Ryukyu stated.

"What we must do now is no different," Yoroi Musha stated, speaking into the microphone that the female staff is holding out to him.


"I would like to work in a way that does no shame those who have come before me, starting with Edgeshot, who accepted me on his team," Kamui Woods said.

Hawks changes his expression to a scowl. Naofumi simply keeps looking at Endeavor, letting out a few coos and giggles as if trying to get the Number One's attention. Hawks could hear the whine that Naofumi was about to let loose and Hawks put his hand in front of Naofumi. His son giggles, a smile spreading on his face as he grabs Hawks's hand and begins to play with his fingers.

"Oh, why was I not at Kamino on that day?!"

"For those of you planning evil deeds right now--prepare to be sent flying by me!"

Hawks lets out a sigh, dropping his head at hearing those words. Naofumi is content with playing with Hawks's hand while Hawks himself is having somewhat a difficult time holding himself back.

"You were third in the approval ratings."

"I am not concerned with numbers," Edgeshot started. "I am grateful for all the support I have received, but I am not doing this for the fame." Hawks scrunched his eyebrows. "I believe my job is to bring about peace."

Hawks unzips his lips. "Who's gonna be happy listening to that? Stain?"

There's silence that fills the room. The only noise that could really be heard is Naofumi's giggles and laughs as he plays with Hawks's fingers. Now all the eyes are on him and Naofumi after Hawks opened his mouth. Not that Hawks the attention being on him and he wanted to brinig Naofumi to this event because the press is gonna be there.

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