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"Wake up wake up wake up it's a brand new day"

My alarm chirped with alacrity. It was a Monday morning and I had not completed even half of my sleep. All because of  Jason who was unable to complete his own Geography assignment.

      And to why I was helping him do it wait......DO FOR HIM EVENTUALLY is because he is my only bestfriend.

      I mean I do have other friends but I never let them be the best. Haha jokes apart it's just that Jason understands me. He is my first friend since I transferred from my old school. Even he transferred to this school like 3 years back
     I looked at my reflection in the mirror and all I  could see was a 5'2 inches girl with a body somewhere between skinny and chubby, brown eyes ,black straight hair just like her mother and dark undereye bags due to lack of adequate sleep.
      "Ace, Are you ready yet dear . You maybe late as well; hurry up." Came a shout from downstairs of my beloved nanny/caretaker/almost a replacement for my absent parents touring the world for businesses.

It's not even sad anymore. I mean I used to cry earlier but now I had got used to the routine.
Just had to give my best shot at school, find a good university and move out as soon as I could.

      'Thank God I am not late.' I exclaim as I glance at my watch.

"Hey sleepyhead , ready to lead the debate team today." 

"Hell yeah!! We have to win after all don't we Kira?"

"Yess". Kira exclaimed smiling ear to ear.

It wa sour school's fourth year at the Interschool Debate Competition. And we were about to have our fourth win that day.

Just as I was about the enter the class, I heard a raspy voice of a 16 year old teenager....

"Do you really think I make Ace do all my work?" ....

It was Jason and the other seemed to be his friend Andrew. It angered me. How dare Andrew ask Jason if he was using me. I mean can't he see that we are friends and it is okay to help each other out. Before I could show myself to them and kick Andrew's ass Jason replied.

"Then you are right I guess.....let's see. I got transferred three years back, made friends with a girl who would benefit me academically as well as socially and now look here we are......"

His vicious laughter ringing in my ears. My eyes raging with anger and my heart grieving with deceit.
I was paralyzed with grief when anger took over me and brought the best snap back ever.
I entered through  the door and furled Jason's body towards me. His expression as shocked as ever. He himself doubting whether I heard it or not.

"Did my back hurt your knife Jason?"

His eyeballs dilating as if in disbelief. Not grasping yet that his oh so obedient bestfriend showed her badass side.
I smirked as in satisfaction and anger.

It was time for our Geography class. It was the last day to submit the assignments and guess who was left.....Jason.

His assignments still with me.

His eyes making way to the sheets in my hand and back to mine. He wants the assignment but I guess he has enough dignity left to not ask for it.

The teacher told us we can submit the assignment it by the end of the day now. That was sure a relief to him.

"The interschool debate competition is going to start in 30 minutes be ready."

An announcement came through the speaker. My eyes diverted to Kira. I told her I might  be needing a break before the Competition.

"I can understand. Jason shouldn't have done that. You know what he is an ass but right now you focus on our competition.

Ya, that's why I think I need a break.Also I am starving right now. I know what matters to me." I said with a small convincing smile.

I crossed the road and spotted a cafe library just across the school which was weird because..

"This wasn't here until last weekend. How the heck did it get built here??"
I entered the deserted cafe. A mystic air brushed by my skin. I ordered waffles and a coffee to give me a morning kick.

I settled on the first floor of the cafe. Big shelves of books arranged in rows giving it the name CAFE LIBRARY.
I settled in the nearby coffee table upstairs...and that's when I noticed that I was not alone.

Two huge guys and by huge I mean monstrously huge were chatting with their back towards me. Perhaps they hadn't noticed me.

"Man that Jason sure got his lesson!"
"Yaa but he too fought very well but just wasn't strong enough. "

Wait...  what was I hearing. That's not true. I mean they could be bluffing for God's sake. I hate Jason but that doesn't mean I wouldn't save him. But first I had to confirm if it's true. I called him but his phone was out of network.

"Now we just have to place his body and our work is done."

Saying so they exited the cafe. What was I hearing is this true. What if it is? Jason is a douchebag but he might be needing my help right now and there is still 15 minutes for the Competition to start. I paid the bill and followed them.

A few minutes later they might have sensed it because they craned their neck behind.

But luckily I hid behind the trees. It was a muddy area which lead to 'The Mountain' which is believed to be haunted.

I was scared out of my guts so I uprooted a stick which was a dried shrub probably and sure enough a chunk of soil came up with it too making it look like a Hammer.

They sure went towards the mountain.  was their too panting  with a weird hammer in my hand. But they were no where to be found. I went ahead to reach nothing but an altar.

"Searching us dear".

Oh my God they are actually monsters!! Two horns huge body and sure an evil instinct.

With nowhere to run I did the only best thing I could do. Attack. But as I went with my attack the altar shone. Brightly with my weird looking hammer.

My head spinner and the world before my eyes turned Blank.

             Writer's note:
What do you think Ace should have done to Jason's assignment?

A) Burn it down.
B)Give it to him.

This is a joint story with MADwritersOrg. Check out the other two  parts


Hope you like it and please vote.

THE CALLENS: ACE'S ADVENTURE.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum