Chapter 2: Clay

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 In America

Clay had been in briefing when his phone went off outside and another officer walked in handing it to him

"It was glowing red?" He stated and Clay jumped up and took it going outside

"Clay!" Mandy yelled coming towards him

"Yea, I'll do that. Do not medicate till I send the files through." Clay replied before going back to the phone "Hey can you call me via my video link and show me which ones... yea... Give me a minute then I'll be online."

He hung up and moved to the front of the room login into the computer

"You can't use that for personal use."

"I know." He replied just as he accepted the video link "Hey..."

"Hey 3, you ready?"

"Yep. Let's start." She replied walking towards one of the beds in the medical area "Male, approachmently 43 to 45 years of age...."

We looked to the computer as did Clay

"Identified by 3 as Echo team leader Steve Porter." He replied

"Positive identification?" She asked

"Yea, that's Porter." Jason confirmed

"Positive ID." Clay replied and she nodded putting the phone down so that she could write on the chart

"Okay, you good we still got a few more ID's to do?" She asked gently

"Yea, any DOA's?"

"None, we've had critical but they've been stabilised."

"Hey.... 4?"

"Yea?" She asked looking up from the chart "Do you wanna a break?"

"No, but I did wanna thank you, I know you stabilised them and that 9 would've given you hell for not letting them died."

"9 can go get fu*ked herself, she ain't my boss." 4 replied "Plus even if 1 told me too, I'd tell her to f**k off as well."


"No, uh uh, turn around and come back again in a different way." She replied putting down the chart "Firstly don't you ever yell at me in an ICU ward and secondly it one of these patients die and I find out you've been in here, you been watch it..."

"Or what?" The woman challenged

"You know I think we've got a mission coming up..." She replied slamming her pen down "Keep talking and the next time things go bad out there I may just make a tragic mistake..."

"Are you actually threatening me, you just the medic..."

"No actually I'm the medic with Sniper training and a resigation for carrying a weapon at all times." She replied "Including but not exclusive to a Rifle Sniper and Desert Eagle."

"4..." Another woman walked in "I need you to do something..."
"Okay?" 4 replied before stopping her "Hang up... 9 get your pet outta my medical ward before I make her a resident!"

"Still as threatening as ever." Clay commented and 4 flashed a sweet smile over her shoulder and to the camera

"Only to some..." She smirked "Anyway..."

"I need you to go get someone."

"Oh how fun..."

She held up a photo "This is Dimtiri Smirnoff, he is an arms dealer and his in town to make a trade, you job is to get him back here. Alive 4."

"Of course." She replied going through the file "Oh I know exactly what to use.."

She walked to the cabinet pulling a card from her retractable clip attached to her pants and unlocking it before going through it and pulling a vile

"This should do the trick..."

"What is that?" Trent questioned

"A little something." She replied drawing up a needle before placing it in a case and locking it "3 when are you arriving?"


"I could probably come pick you up after the take down."

"It's fine sis, I'll be bring the team down so it's easier for us to just drive it."

"K, I'll see you when you arrive." She replied "Later..."

 "Trent, that was Astrid Sawyer your daughter she goes by a number, 4." Clay replied throwing a file out to him "The others you'll meet when we arrive..."

"I want the file now." Sonny growled

"Same." Brock agreed and Clay reluctantly handed over the files to them

"It Marco's my son?"Ray asked "And the others?"

"Yea, but it's 2, 12, 13, 14."

"Okay so who Soraya?"

"She was Marco's wife."

Sonny POV:

We all looked up to Clay when he said was but Jason was the first to speak up confirming our fears


"We lost many good people to this war, Soraya was one of them."

"Any..." Brock couldn't bring himself to finish his sentence, not wanting to know if we'd lost any children before we even knew them

"No, but we have had many close calls." Clay replied "Look when you get there you either accept them as they are or you'll drive them away."

"It said Soraya and Nyssa..."

"Soraya and Marco had twins prior to her death, 5 days after Soraya Jr and Nyssa were born, Soraya was killed in a mission. After that mission Marco went back and named the girls, Soraya after her mother and Nyssa after a friend who had lost her life."

"That night?"

"No, she was killed 4 months prior, it was conjoin operation that ended up with 2 of our members killed." He replied before looking at the time "We should get going."

"His right..." Blackburn replied "We can finally bring them back."


"Let's bring them home." Ray replied

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