So, the police force was sent to capture him, and… he was locked in a cell on the floor beneath you.

“…He needs the death penalty.” Heracles mumbled bluntly.

Gupta turned to him, “He was trying to expand our country. I don’t see him as evil.”

“Yeah, he was trying to expand it, but by force!” You added.

Cyprus sweatdropped, “Can you all just listen to me for a sec? Please?”

Noticing the desperation in his voice, his three comrades turned to him. You happened to give your non-superior a ‘you-better-get-on-with-it’ look.

He sighed, and began his preach. “…He deserves to be jailed, not killed. There’s no need to argue, everyone. I can see why people are afraid—they assume his political group has the same ambitions that Nazi Germany did. Well there’s no proof of that! We’re not Nazi Germany; we’re just the Middle East. Adnan was only doing it out of nationalism.”

Gupta broke the silence following Cyprus’s reasoning. “…But this isn’t our choice.”

You moved away from the table and began to pace, “Enough with the debates. I can handle this, gentlemen.”

Heracles stood up straight and suppressed another yawn. You stared at him, waiting for his reaction. You knew he wouldn’t go down easy; he’d been against your next assignment since the very beginning.

“…Fine then. Good luck, Chief. I need a nap.” Before you could reply, he trudged over to a chair, got comfortable, and fluttered his eyelids closed. Seconds later, he was snoring lightly.

And thus cue the simultaneous shouts of, “He fell asleep again?!”

Okay, seriously, you and the rest of your partners should really be used to his crazy sleeping habits by now.

You felt a hand plop down on your shoulder, so you turned away from Heracles and eventually came to face Cyprus. He smiled and told you, “We believe in you, Chief. You’ll get him there. Just… be careful, okay?”

You nodded confidently, “Okay. And of course—I’m the Chief of Police, aren’t I?” You were assigned to personally transport Sadiq Adnan to the capital for this court order.

With that, you began to leave.

However, Gupta stopped you on the way out. “Hey, Chief. Look, I…” He paused, and lowered his voice to a near whisper. You took the hint and stepped closer, so he could discreetly let you know of a secret. “…I actually knew this guy as a kid. He’s no threat. You’ll be fine, Chief.”

Once he whispered the words into your ear, he waved you off. You nodded again—already deciding on which items to pack for the road trip. “Okay. See you guys in a week.” And thus you bid your partners one more goodbye.


He can’t be that bad, you thought to yourself as you headed downstairs. Twirling a small ring of keys around your finger, you casually walked over to the prison chambers. “Cell number twenty-nine, eh?” You stopped at the right place, and glanced beyond the steel bars. “Hey, Adnan? You back there?”

Shrouded in shadows, you could detect a male slouched against the very back cement walls. His wrists were chained up, and silver shackles were locked around his ankles. Due to the lack of light, you could only see that he was wearing a long green coat, a ragged tan scarf, and a green fez hat.

After a few seconds, he looked up. “…Oh, hey! Are you here to lemme go? Great, thanks! Y’know, I’ve been dyin’ for some good food since the day I got in here!” He laughed cheerily, much to your utter shock.

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