"Here." Araya hands me a large tank top and some pants, "Where's Scott." They look at the opening towards the church, I grab a gun and run. "Savannah!"

I struggle to find him in the dark, but I hear a fight going on to my left, leading to a large room. "Scott." He snaps his head towards me but Liam gets him distracted instead, Scott slams him on the colunm. "Your not a monster, Scott. You're a werewolf, like me." After a couple of seconds, Scott releases Liam. Grabbing the skull and breaking it off of his head, "Scott." I walk towards him, seeing a difference in him, that not many people see.

"Oh how sweet, a Brother-Sister moment. Who would have thought, that you could tame your werewolf abilities and still safe the people you love." Scott and I take a couple steps back, "You were working with her, with Kate." He stills makes his way up to us, "I wanted him, I wanted Scott." I step beside Scott, "Well, you going to have to kill us together." We change ourselves to our werewolf form, shocking everyone of my new form, "I was right." Peter stands their amazed, I jump from the table to Peter biting him perfectly on the shoulder.

He throws me aside but manage to re bounce off the wall and hit him again. Scott takes his turn, we synchronize our rhythm on attacking Peter. After he is weakened I back off and let Scott take the rest. He give him one last blow, making him break the table and falling behind it.

Kira and Scott embrace while Stiles, Liam and I stand away from them. "So you weren't dying? Your were..." I stand next to them amused, "Evolving, just like Derek."

Scott and Kira join us, walking to the entrance of the cave.

"So what now? Where's Kate." I look at the sun rising up from the dark, "Right now, you should be at home. I'll see Kate, one of these days, maybe sooner." We walk to the SUV's to say goodbye to the help that we got.

Derek is packing up with Braeden, Chris is talking to Parrish and The Calaberas, while we watch them. Stiles and Malia head to their car, while I make my way up to Parrish. "So, what should I call you know." He wraps his arms around my waist, and I put my hands on his arms, "I'm still the same, I think. But we'll see when I get examined by Deaton." He unfolds his jacket and puts it over me, "Well for now, Let's go home."

I turn to say goodbye to the Calaberas. "Thank you, for helping us out. Hopefully you get Kate, just make sure to call me so I can be there." Araya laughs as she puts away the guns, "We'll do." I nod at her then walk away. "Savannah." I turn back at her, making her way to me. "I wanted to apologize, for the way I acted when you were younger. You really are a good hunter, you go by the hunters rules, and that's good to look up too. If you get tired of running around alone, you have a spot in this family."

I widen my eyes, "Wow. Thank you, I know the feeling of being scared of giving someone the opportunity for someone to come into your life, trust me I'm still compromising." I look at Liam who is sitting on the brick wall. "But I think I'm gonna stick around a little longer in Beacon Hills, I have a feeling that there's a lot more stuff coming in this year. But I would love that." We shake hands, and part our ways.

"I'll make sure I'll call twice a week to tell you I'm still alive." Chris stands in front of me, "Okay." We hug one last time, but we don't let go until Severo forces Chris off of me. "Be safe, and remember that there is a key under the mat at the entrance if you need weapons." I smile and we part.

I get a glimpse at Derek, "So where are you going?" Scott asks him, "I was planning on helping Braeden find something." I cross my arms, "Like what?" He looks around making sure Malia wasn't near, "The Desert Wolf." We stand there talking making sure no one can hear us until they leave.

"So where to now?" Parrish, Stiles, Liam, Malia, and Kira stand behind us, Scott and I share a look, "Well we are in Mexico, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind us staying here a little longer." We all laugh as we hug in a large circle.

After a couple of days we all head back into our normal routines. I went to the clinic during my lunch time, to ask Deaton what has happend to Peter.

"He's been institutionalized into Eichen House. He's set in the special humane cells of the hospital." I watch him as he moves around the room, "So he's not coming out anytime soon right?" He nods, "Can he get visits?" He immediately turns to me, "You're thinking of seeing him?" I sit on the counter quietly, "Just to ask him about Scott."

He moves to the front of the clinic, bring back a paper with the directions into getting in the cells, "Careful his roomate's are very, distracting." I leave the clinic timid to head to Eichen House.

I park near the entrance, and walk to the main room. "Hi, how may I help you." I pull out the note the Deaton asked me to follow, "I'm here to see Peter..Peter Hale." She turns pale, "I'm sorry you ca-" I flash my eyes to an Icy Blue. "I would like to see him, now." She nervously hands me the code to the locked doors, and allows me through.

"12705..833" The door pops open only allowing couples of inches, I go in walking slowly to the number 24 cell. There is this lizard type creature climbing around his cell, a banchee screaming at the top of her lungs, and then their is Peter. I stand in front of the solid white door, with small silver bars as an opening, he is inside a square room with a clear wall dividing another room for visitors. I enter the room tapping the door 2 times.

He raises his head and suddenly stands up and walk to the 2nd wall. "What are you doing here?" I sit on the chair against the wall. "I came here, wanting to know why you wanted Scott dead." I see another body come from behind him. "Well hello, now what would this beauty want with this man today?" I smirk at the bandaged guy, "I'm waiting." I hold out a key, they both widen there eyes at me.

"It wasn't me, I was different. I didn't know what I was doing, it was the full moon Savannah. You know how that is, it's hard to control." I lean forward, "I've known all my life Peter, You know more about control than anyone. You wanted Scott dead, you always wanted him dead, ever since he became a True Alpha. You could have been like him, but you had to kill didn't you. You were hungry for the warmth of blood on your skin."

He gets angry and hits the wall, "I deserved what power he has! I was a true alpha, I was powerful. I had the world in my hands, But she just had to train you didn't she. 'Let's train the rare Hybrid, maybe she will become more than the killer that she is' all that bull crap was for nothing !"

I walk to him and meet him half way, "You killed Laura, your own niece. For what? To become an Alpha, because you could have done that without killing her. You killed innocent people for the power, because you were sick and tried of seeing how everyone looked up to her..even me. But you will never, be like Scott." I look at the man next to him. "I hope you rot in here, along with the conscious of all the innocent people you killed." I leave him with a check of 127 million dollars ripped on the floor.

I walk off only hearing the sounds of his yelling. "Savannah!" And bang, "You will see me again!" And another, "I deserve that power!" And another. "I am the True Alpha!"

I walk past the main lobby and drop the key on her desk, "Thank you, I think I got what I needed."

I walk out the gates, grabbing my jacket tightly. I open and close the gate behind me and into my car, "What did he say." I look over at Jordan, "I got what I needed." We kissed and drove off.

Resurrection (Derek Hale Love Story)#5Where stories live. Discover now