The tall Hallow boy was nearly at the top, but his apparent bout of confidence had vanished, and he was looking wearily down at the ground below. I took the opportunity to go around to the other side of the wall. There was a set of stairs on the back, I assumed for easy descent. So I quickly clambered up them, still recording, as I looked down at Chandler from the top. "Chandler if you give me $1,000 if you win I'll help you up right now." I heard an exhausted, "Got it." From him as I grabbed his arm with my hand not holding the camera. Using all the strength I had, which wasn't much, I managed to haul Chandler to the top of the wall. He high-fived me as he raced down the stairs.

The next obstacle was greatly more difficult. It was a thin stick of wood, about a meter off the ground, and giant punching bags hung in the way of whoever was going past. Chris and Karl had already both been knocked down twice, and were trying their third attempt just as Chandler arrived. Chandler was very close to the end when he suddenly wobbled off, putting Chris in the lead. He made it through, and Chandler made it through soon after on his second try. Karl also made it through shortly after.

The next four obstacles were rather easy, and the boys completed them quickly. One was where you had to jump from one slanted platform to the next without falling off, one was balancing on small, circular raised platforms, one was like a mini zip-line you see at playgrounds, and the last one was high jump, down onto a soft cushion. All the boys made it through those with ease. They rounded the bend in the course, and were now going to opposite direction they had been at first, down a whole different set of obstacles.

Chandler was in first, Chris in second, and Karl in last place as they approached the next obstacle. There was a set of five poles, with no platforms attached, between two raised sections of wood. The boys would have to hold on for dear life to each pole in order to make it across. Chandler fell on his first try, as did Chris. However, with a right stroke of luck, Karl managed to make it through on his first try. Tareq stayed with his camera to watch the other two keep trying, as I went on ahead to watch Karl.

Karl's next obstacle was the second to last one. It was a rope bridge with very large holes in it, and it wobbled a lot. He nearly tumbled over a few times, which gave Chandler time to make it through the poles and catch up to him. Now they were both on the rope bridge, clinging to the sides for dear life.

"Chandler you got this!" Jimmy was calling as I recorded the two. "Go Karl! You're still first!" I encouraged. But Karl looked down at me with an almost terrified expression. "There is no way," he called back as Chandler slowly closed the gap between them. "There is simply no way." I continued to try and encourage him, but Chandler had already passed. Karl finally got the courage to make a break for the other side of the bridge, and he finally made it through, just as Chris finally reached the start of the bridge.

Now Chandler was in first, Karl close behind him. It was the last obstacle. A huge climbing wall, but this one was different than the first. It was slanted toward the boys, meaning they'd have to hang almost upside down to get over it. There were large wooden planks to use as footholds. Chandler raced right into it, leaping up and catching hold of the top. Karl was trying to use the footholds to get up, since he was nowhere near as tall as Chandler. Karl got hold of the top of the structure just as Chandler heaved himself to the top. I raced on ahead to watch as he slid down the other side. All he had to do was run to the end. But Karl was sliding down close behind.

Both boys started running, faster than I'd ever seen them run before. But Chandler's height, and rather long legs was Karl's ultimate enemy. Chandler barreled through the finish line, only two seconds before Karl got through. I raced over to them both. They were both on the ground, panting hard. Chandler let out a screech of victory, as Jimmy joined me. "Chandler you just won $20,000!" Jimmy exclaimed, as the tall Hallow boy sprang to his feet. "Wooh!" He yelled and shouted, and we were all laughing.

"Well he won $19,000," I corrected Jimmy, and explained how I'd made a deal with Chandler if I helped him at the start. Chris suddenly joined us a moment later, followed by Tareq. He'd come in last, but congratulated and celebrated Chandler's win with as much enthusiasm as if he had won. Karl was still laying on the ground, staring at us all. I panned the camera over to him. "That's the second time Chandler has taken money from me by a second!" He half-wailed. He was smiling slightly for the camera, but I knew he wasn't happy.

The rest of the video went by in kind of a blurr. We gave Chandler his money, and then Jimmy did the outro. We thanked the owner of the obstacle course, and then headed back to our respective cars. "The editors have a lot of work to do," I commented as Karl, Tareq and I piled yet again into Karl's car. Tareq gave a nod of agreement as the engine started, and we got on the road. We were all quite tired, and were quiet most of the ride back to the warehouse.

When we got there, it was nearly dark. We all got out of the car and headed inside to the office. Tareq and I handed our cameras to the editors for them to review our footage and then edit into a youtube-worthy video. Just as I was about to head out, however, Karl stopped me. "Y/N, do you want to come hangout at my place for a while? Bailey and Ethan will be there too." I nodded slowly. "Might as well." I said. I didn't have anything going on that day, so I decided it would be fun, since it was Friday anyways.

Karl got into his car, and I got into mine, basically following him the entire way to his house. Once we got there, I parked on the side of the road. Karl waited for me as I joined him, then we both went up to his front door. He unlocked the door for us both, and we headed inside.

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