Part 2

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The police officer began to look more inpatient by each second "Sure you're not a villain." He said in a sarcastic tone. "Your little show of rampage back then has left twenty people injured, with one in a critical state."

"Wait. What?!" I struggled hard against the bindings, in a shock. "I almost killed someone?" I asked.

Once again, I felt the air becoming part of me. Lucky for me the sensation has disappeared just as fast.

"What's happening to me?!" I asked.

"Nothing much. I'm just blocking off your quirk, but you better watch out, I don't have much patience." The hero said, nonchalantly.

So it was him. He's the one who saved me, along with everyone else.

I managed to tern my head enough to see the hero.

Seeing him eyeing me, I managed to relax and stopped struggling.

"Thank you for saving me back there." I said. "Can anyone please explain to me what is happening to me? Why am I suddenly having this ability?" I asked.

Everyone in the room seemed to be confused.

Since no one said anything, I looked at the hero again. "Since you can block quirks, can you eliminate them completely too?" I asked.

"No. Sadly not".

"Quite strolling. What was this little show of yours for?" The police man asked.

"Honestly, I don't know." I answered.

"So what? Where you just showing off your quirk, testing your limitations, seeing how much damage you can make?" The police man continued.

"Like I said, I don't know what happened, and why. I was quirkless until that incident. Around two PM, I began to feel weird, I began to feel everything around me. The feeling grew and I panicked, so I ran out of the class, but it only grew and I was consumed by the elements around me." I answered.

"Don't try to play innocent. What you're saying does not make any sense." The police man commented.

I took a deep breath and blinked a few times, trying to hide the tears that were forming now. "You're not going to believe me. What do you want me to say. I don't care if you keep me here for the rest of the life, it's probably for the best, but I don't like being accused of something I am not." I said.

"I am giving you a last chance." The police man said.

"Even though it seems highly unlikely, I think that the girl is saying the truth, as far as she is aware." The hero said. Then his attention turned to me. "You have been out for three days, maybe if you have some food and movement it will help us to get to the bottom of this. Until then, I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt." He said.

"I guess you are right." The police man answered, turning to the doctor. "She's all yours."

Just as the hero along with the police officer were about to leave, I spoke up urgently. "I think it would be a good idea to stay. I can't control whatever this is, and since you can block the quirks."

The hero looked at the police officer, who gave him a light nod and left by himself. "I guess you have a point." The hero said.

Is it safe for me to releases the straps?" The doctor asked, looking at the hero, who intern looked at me.

"Are you going to behave?" The hero asked.

I gave a small nod and the doctor realised me.

As I was able to move again, my whole body ached, probably from lying still for so long.

"Please sit up." The doctor asked.

Moving my aching body, I did as I was told.

"How do you feel?"

"A little sore and a bit light headed." I answered.

"Well, some food and rest should fix that." The doctor said. "Your food should be delivered here anytime now." He looked at the medical records. "Apart from a light case of anaemia you seem to be fine." He informed.

suddenly the door opened again letting a nurse in, who was carrying a trey of food.

I downed the food as fast as I could swallow, not having the time to even chew properly because of the hunger.

Once I finished the food, I was left alone. The next morning another tray of food was delivered to me.

Apart from the very generous gesture of feeding me full meals, I was left alone through out the next two day when suddenly, the hero from before arrived again, only now he was dressed in a formal suit.

"Good morning Miss Emiko Izumi." He said as he came in.

"Good morning." I answered.

"My name is Shota Aizawa. I'm one of the teachers at UA high school. I had a discussion with the principal of the academy and the other teachers. We have decided that we will give you the benefit of the doubt for now and give you a chance to learn and control your new quirk. If you'll agree, I will train you and help you to manage your quirk. You will start the training regiment as of tomorrow. Bear in mind that I do not tolerate laziness and I expect a full hundred percent of your dedication to both the training and studies. If you are not prepared to work past your braking point, then I simple will not waste my precious time on you. Do you understand?" My Aizawa said with a serious expression.

I was shocked by the generosity of the offer, so I stayed quiet for a while, until Mr Aizawa spoke again.

"So what is it going to be?" He asked.

I nodded my head, not having any words coming to mind.

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