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"I, Sean Xiao take thee, Ivy Wang, to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith  pledge myself to you."

I wish I could turn back the clock. I wish I could turn back a lot of things. 2 Years Ago, when you walked out the door, I felt that time stood still. Was it possible? Why hadn't I seen it coming? Since then, I find myself glancing at the door with the faint hope that you'll be walking through it. I sit in silence, straining for echoes of you resounding from the walls, but the silence is deafening. And I know why you left.
Our Twins always talk about you, They missed you a lot , They always asking me why you’re not here.. With Us.. I Know this is my fault.. I want to give you a proper and decent life without knowing you’re too tired for waiting.
You have always been patient with me. You have stood by me when you were hurt and frustrated. You have given me hundreds of second chances. Can you find it within yourself to give me one more? Facing the difficulty of change, I need you more than ever. I know that you have had to be the strong one, and I know that I am asking you to be the strong one for a little longer, but I promise that I will work hard so that I am pulling my equal weight in the relationship. I know I can make this right if you'll help me. I know this will be the fight of my life, but I am committed to the process no matter how long or how hard it may be.

I love you Ivy, my beloved wife, although I admit that my actions have not always communicated that. Nevertheless, I love you with all my heart. I miss you so badly. Please believe me when I say that my weaknesses do not define my love. I want you and no other woman. Please give me another chance to prove it.
The day I found out you were leaving me was the worst day of my life. I felt lost, alone, and hopeless. Now, having been separated from you these past few weeks, I have felt more sadness and pain than I could ever imagine. I blame myself completely and can see how I've driven you away. I completely understand your reasons for leaving.
I'm sorry I've taken so long to realize how many ways I've hurt you and taken you for granted. I see that I let my work become more important than our marriage, but I assure you that now I am getting my priorities in order. Without you in my life, my work has little meaning, anyway. I hope you'll give me a chance to prove this to you. For example, I no longer remain at work past 6 p.m. I leave punctually at 5 and imagine I'm going straight home to you. If you will come back to me, I promise to be home for dinner! I want us to spend more time together and will pay better attention when you want to talk..
The one constant in my life, despite my actions, is my love for you. I've never stopped loving you and I never will. You are worth fighting for, even if the fight is with myself. Please give me another chance. I hope you can see that I'm truly trying to change and am taking active steps to adjust my schedule. You're more important to me than every other consideration. I want to prove this to you with more than promises and show you that I am deeply committed to making you happy.
Remember when we ordered lobster and crab on our first date? Let's order lobster and crab again. Let's remember why we fell in love in the first place. I know our love is still alive; it just needs a little nourishing. I want to show you we can be happy again and that our happiest times are yet to come. Please forgive me. Please come back Home..
I want to see you, Our Twins wants to see you…
I miss you. I need you. I love you.

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