Chapter 2 - A Second Chance

Start from the beginning

"I've already loaded most of it up. You can ride with me if you want." MinHyuk said coming up from behind her and grabbing another armful of things.

"Oh hi... Um are we going to the same place?" Eve asked.

"Yep. You mind grabbing that and following me out?" He asked and she grabbed the two small boxes that were left and followed him out another door. She noticed he was in a nice pair of jeans and unusually clean sneakers but what really threw her was how he was in just a plain navy tank top. He put the things he was carrying in the bed of a pick up then took her things and noticed she was making a face. He smirked.


"Oh nothing... Well- are you really going like that?" She asked trying not to be rude. He snorted.

"No. I'm gonna wear my baseball jersey. I just didn't want it to get dirty." He said slapping at his shirt and she noticed dust from the boxes.

"Oh." She said. Their drive was awkwardly quiet until he made a sort of sharp turn that had all the boxes sliding around. She turned and looked back.

"Is that a table?" She asked.

"Good eye." He said and she decided not to say anything else. When they arrived he had her stay outside with the stuff while he went and let them know they were there. He came back out waved to her then made to unload the table.

"You know they probably have tables for us." She said.

"I like this one." He said simply and carried it off without waiting for her. She picked up something small and went after him just so she'd know where they were going to be setting up. She cringed at the thought of the smell when she saw it was the gym which turned out to be not so bad. It was one of three and completely carpetted. MinHyuk found their spot and put up his table then took down theirs.

"Really? Who brings their own table?" She said.

"People who have good taste in quality tables." He said walking off again to go get more stuff. She rolled her eyes and went to help. He helped her set everything up neatly which was nice even if he was somewhat of a mute. Everynow and again Eve would notice when girls would go and peek in at all the tables and wondered if it was just her imagination that they all seemed to be swooning over Minhyuk as he tacked up their little banner behind their table.

"Done. Ready for lunch?" He asked jumping down off the chair he was standing on and checking his watch.

"Yeah sure." She said then cringed. She'd left her wallet in her car that she'd been expecting to drive over in. "I'm so sorry. I left my purse in my car." 

"Why are you sorry? I ambushed you. Its cool. Come on we gotta hurry." He said motioning for her to follow. Just as they stepped out of the gym doors the bell rang and the halls were flooded with teens. MinHyuk walked briskly but still kinda slow so Eve wouldn't get lost in the halls as she followed him. They turned out a door that made Eve think they were clear on the otherside of the building and was just about to comment on it when they heard a car honk. Minhyuk turned towards it and raised his arms with a smile. 

"Oh My God! What Are You Doing Here!" Kyung yelled at Eve as he leaned out of the window of his big black escalade. The huge knowing smile on his face was extremely suspicious and left her frozen in a suspicious glare that MinHyuk punched her out of lightly on the shoulder.

"Come on let's go. They don't have a lot of time." He said jogging up to it and climbing in the very back with Yukwon. She climbed in and was surprised to see a girl in the passenger side and wasn't surprised that unless she wanted to be in the back with the two love birds the only other place to sit was with Jiho.

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