Relationships aboard the Falcon

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Han Solo: "How ya feeling kid?"

(Luke Skywalker was practicing fighting Chewbacca but was flipped over and fell on his face)

(Han rolled him over and inspected him)

Han: "Don't look so bad to me. In fact you look like you could pull the wings off a gundark."

(Chewbacca roared)

Han: "All right all right! Chewie, you look like you could pull the arms off..well anything."

(Chewie giggled to himself in grunts)

Han: "....laugh it up, fuzz ball."

(Luke picked himself up and clutched his stomach, grimacing)

Han: "You all right, kid?"

Luke: "Yeah..but I fell on my lightsaber. Lucky it didn't turn on."

Obi-Wan Kenobi: "It didn't. But you were meant to think it did."

Luke: "Yes, Master Kenobi. I understand."

Han: "Well at least one of us does. Hey I'm off to find your sister. Don't miss me too much."

Luke: "That shouldn't be a problem."

(They shared a teasing grin)

(Han passed Padme in the hall)

Han: "Hey Luke and Leia's mom."

Padme: "Good morning, Captain Solo."

Han: "Don't tell anyone but I'm looking for your daughter so I can flirt with her."

(He patted her shoulder and left leaving Padme making a wtf face)

(Luke entered another room where Rey was training with her lightsaber)

Rey: "Oh! Master Skywalker. I didn't hear you come in."

Luke: "Sorry Rey. You've really improven at that. I mean, I'm still learning myself but I can tell you're a natural with a Saber."

Rey: "Oh thank you! Yes it has gotten easier the more I've done it."

Luke: "Well its like my Aunt Beru used to always say to me..practice makes.."

Finn: "Hey Luke. Can I talk to Rey for a minute?"

Luke: "Of course." (He winks at Finn knowingly before leaving)

Rey: "Hello Finn. What's up?"

Finn: "Rey I just need to tell you something important. I really like you."

Rey: "Oh yeah? Well I really like you too! We're great friends!"

Finn: "Yeah well uh..yeah I guess we are.."

Rey: "I'm just messing with you, Finn. Get in here."

Finn: "..really? But what about Poe?"

Rey: "What about him? He's got a telletubbies name."

Finn: "..yeah guess he does."

(He ran in there and they made out)

(Everyone on the Falcon heard a loud rumble)

C-3PO: "What is it? Where did that come from? Is it the Empire? Oh my! They've  found us?"


Luke: "Don't worry 3PO. I know exactly what that is and it's certainly not the Empire."

C-3PO: "Oh my goodness! Shut me down!"

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