Chapter 2: Back to The Nurses Office

Comenzar desde el principio

"T-thank you.. I-I'll take you on that offer.. " You blush, fidgeting with the bottom of your skirt. He smiles. "How about today? After school at the library?"

"Y-yeah I should be available today.." He smiles softly patting your head. "I'm going to head to class, will you be alright on your own?" You nod.. "I'll be fine, thank you for getting me here." He smiles pulling his phone out.

"Before I go, would you mind?" You nod, pulling out your phone.  You both swap phones, putting your information into each other's phone, then swapping back.

He quickly texts you. "There ago, Well I'll see you after class? I'll make sure to get the notes all down, hope your ankle gets better Y/N." He smiles.

"T-thank you." He leaves. You sigh flopping onto the bed flustered. You stare at his contact in your phone. "Too bad I don't—" you stare at your phone and giggled, seeing his text was an image of him, with a message of 'Just in case you needed a contact photo.'

You smile looking at the photo, you hold your finger over it saving it, then setting it as his contact photo. "Ah.. Should I send him one back.?"

You jump as you get a notification saying you got a text. You open it to see it's Amber. 'Hey, Y/N. How are you doing, just saw Akira come in class. To be honest I thought he'd stay in the nurses office with you.' You quickly texting back.

"No, but we swapped digits." You jump a little, as she texts back within seconds. 'WHAT?! REALLY?" You giggle. "Yes, really. Why is that so surprising?"

"I'm not saying it's surprising! But tell me the juicy details." You huff texting back. "I'll tell you after class, pay attention and take notes Amber." You wait patiently for a reply. "Fine, MOM." You chuckle and lay back in the bed.

Your phone vibrates. "My god Amber, you really need to pay attention." You look to your phone to see its from Akira. You quickly open the message. "Y/N, Don't forget to ice your ankle. Also, you think I could get a photo, to use for your contact photo."

You sigh getting up, grabbing an ice pack, then sitting back on the bed. You place it on your ankle, taking a quick picture, one of you ankle, and one being a quick selfie.

You send him both. "Yeah to be honest, I would of forgot to ice it. Thank you for reminding me. Here's proof I have it on. And of course. I hope the picture is good enough, I kinda took it quickly"

"Haha, You didn't have to send me proof, but I'm glad you've iced it. Also the picture is perfect, thank you. I'll put it as your contact picture. But, I don't know maybe I'll use your ankle picture instead."

You quickly message back. "Not my ankle picture! That's embarrassing."

"Alright, Alright. I won't. Haha." You smile looking at your phone hugging it too your chest. "He's so kind." You hear laughing from behind a curtain.

You jump peeking behind the curtain to see the school nurse. "O-oh Hi, Miss Takemi" she smiles. "Hello Y/N, haven't seen you in here for a while. I see you hurt your ankle. Would you like to test something, I'm sure it will help you with your ankle."

"Miss Takemi, I appreciate it but.. I don't want to be your guinea pig." She sighs. "Akira always is willing to test my medication, and nothing bad has happened to him yet." She sighs defeated.

"Still no, and yet isn't very comforting." You uncomfortably shift in the bed. "Ah come on Y/N, what if I take it too?"

""Fine, but you take it first." She sighs. "Fine, I guess that's fair." She hands you a glass of water and a pill. You wait on her. She sighs as she pops it in her mouth, then taking a sip of water herself.

You stare at her. She rolls her eyes, showing that she has swallowed it. You take a deep breath, quickly taking the pill. "If it does anything funny, You owe me one."

"Yeah, yeah." She turns back to her desk, playing solitaire on her desktop. You sigh laying back in bed. "Soo, what happened to your ankle." You sigh.

"Girl in class tripped me." She spins around facing you once again. She slides towards you in the chair. "That wasn't very sports man like of them. Should I drug them?" You sit up and look at her slightly concerned. "You can't just go around drugging students, please tell me you're just kidding around.."

She gets silent. "Of course I'm kidding.." you sigh. "Miss Takemi, I have no idea how you are a school nurse." She laughs. "Well, there isn't much people who were willing to work for this school, so I took it as an opportunity. For, uh extra funds for my clinic."

"You mean test subjects?" She scoffs. "Of course not! I love you students." You laugh. "Sure." She softly hits your shoulder. "Oh shush, get your rest, I'd say let me know of any side affects, but.. I had to take it too just to get you to try it." She rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, I'll still let you know, but yeah I guess I'll rest."  You lay down turning from the light, closing your eyes.

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