A small shock shot through your fingers from an exposed wire which broke you from your thoughts. Finally! This may have been causing the malfunctioning, you smiled smugly as you felt accomplished having found the fault now you could just fix it and move onto the next assignment. You reached behind you and into your tool box to find some new wire coverings, you quickly replaced the faulty covering and replaced the panel over the wires.

Satisfied with a problem finally solved, you ticked off the assignment on your data pad and decided to sit and wait for the notification of your next assignment come through while you took a break.

Pulling a flask out, your poured yourself some coffee. This was not a luxury provided by the First Order on their ships, it was something you had brought from the planet you were working on. The warm and rich taste calmed down your mind from the emotional tangent it had been on. There was no way Kylo would be able to hear you all the time, he surely has to be close for this strange connection to just transmit all your thoughts into his head. That must be why h you had not seen him in the two weeks since your first meeting. You did not know but you assumed it must be very agitating to have someone else's stream of thought filtered in with your own, especially the thoughts of a mute girl who basically has no filter as she has never had to watch her mouth/ edit her thoughts and feelings.

You let out a mute chuckle at the thought of your benign wonderings intertwined with the thoughts of the most powerful and important man in the universe.

Slowly, you felt the silence in the corridors get heavier. These corridors had been empty in the days that you had been working. These corridors were not central to the ship so even though it was strange it did not bother you. But the soft thudding of heavy boots echoing off the walls did. Who in the hell was that? Quickly, you checked your data pad to see if there was a new assignment yet so that you could move on and would not have to run into whoever those boots belonged to. For some reason your intuition did not think that it would be a harmless stromtrooper that would just walk by and completely ignore your existence. You hastily put your mug of coffee by your feet and started to gather the rest of you tools into the toolbox and then placing the toolbox into the bag that you slung over your shoulder as the footsteps got closer and louder. Your lovely smooth silence was being disturbed and so your mood had instantly been dampened despite the mug of heaven you retrieved from the floor. You stopped to realise that your years of isolation due to being mute had made you hate interacting with people. Your stomach wobbled with your little laugh at how absurd you were when the boots rounded the corner and your breath got stuck in your throat again.


He was taking long strides towards you, mask obscuring his face, he was a predator who was stalking his prey and all you could to was stare and admire how powerful he looked with his cape billowing elegantly behind him. You realised that he was definitely close enough to hear you now so you tried your best to push him out of your thoughts and instead focused on the dark brown liquid in your mug. His steps continued towards you and you began to feel his presence.

Silence again was restored and you felt yourself relax even though now he was stood right in front of you. You were not sure what he wanted and even less sure if you were willing to find out.

"Are you afraid of me?" The mechanical voice asks and you raise your eyes to stare into his helmet where his eyes would be. What colour are they? You wondered and then snapped back to thinking about the cooling coffee in your hands.

"All you have to do is think the answer, I can hear all your thoughts. Ever since you arrived on this ship I've heard you and I cannot understand why, and yes it is extremely frustrating. Do you have a connection to the force? Are we related? Did you know about our bond?"

Master and the Mute (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now