Entry Two

18 3 0

November 1, 2015
Slytherin Common Room
12:07 AM

Dear Diary,

It's been a while... I didn't get into Hufflepuff, Evelynn did and I'm happy for her! I got Slytherin... Am I a bad person? I know not all Slytherins are bad, but I cant help but wonder why I was put here, well on a brighter note, I made some new friends! They're not... the nicest but they're my friends so I guess I'm just going to stick with them, me and Moony have been looking at the sky through my window together, I think she likes the stars, I know I do. Potions class is fun, Madam Hooch is trying to teach us how to fly and my mother already taught me so I really just daydream in that class, I do enjoy flying though, I hope I can make Chaser one day, maybe even team captain! Well, I'm not that good, I don't think I'll be able to get any better...

Amelia L. Bones

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