"Oh no!" Steph rolled her eyes. "What?" I asked her. "Katie got stuck in a tree again and Kim just gave up and texted me" she said. "You should go. That sounds serious" I had to hide my smile. "Are you two going to be okay with all of that?" Leah asked us. "Don't worry we're going to check out anyway" I told them. "We better go now, Katie is starting to fall asleep" Steph said. "See you at training tomorrow" Leah told us before they exited quickly.

"These two are quite something" I chuckled as we started to hand out all our items to the cashier. "Yeah. I mean, I don't really talk to them that often, but they're fun to be around" she said. "Who do you hang out with the most?" I asked her. "Jordan and Caitlin" she replied. "Why don't we invite them to eat dinner with us tonight? Would you like that?" I asked her as I studied her face closely. A smile immediately brightened up her face. "That'd be amazing!" She said. "Then, you tell them to come at six" I smiled back at her.

"It's going to be 200€" the cashier said. I saw Beth reaching for her purse, but I already had my card ready. "I'm not going to let you pay all of that!" Beth shook her head. "Yes you will" I told her as I inserted my card in the machine. "I'm paying. No discussion" I said. "Obviously you are" the cashier murmured. Beth instantly scowled. "Excuse me?" I exclaimed. "What? I can see which color you guys' eyes are and you're definitely going to pay" The stupid cashier said as she kept obnoxiously chewing her gum loudly. "Who do you think you are to make that statement? I didn't pay because I don't think she could afford it. I paid because I'm galant and because it's all things I would've had to buy no matter if she moved in with me or not. So you get your head out of your ass and stop making stupid assumptions just because you're too bratty to have any decency" I told her as Beth finished putting all the bags in our cart. "Can't believe people are still so fucking ignorant" I said loudly so she could hear.

"Sorry about that" I told Beth as we started putting everything in the back of my SUV. "You know you didn't have to do all that" she said. "I do because I have to. If no one ever says anything, nothing will ever change. And most people don't even have the guts to talk back because of these" I told her as I let my real eye color show. "If I have that much power, I might as well use it for something good" I shrugged. "You'll get in trouble on day" she said as we hoped in the car. "How do you think I got that?" I told her as I pointed to the big scar I have on my knee. "And that one" I pointed to my eyebrow where I have another scar that causes me to have an involuntary eyebrow slit. "What happened?" She asked.

"I was eating at a restaurant and some guy started yelling at his girlfriend for something dumb and I got in the middle of it after he hit her. We got into a screaming match until the manager came and stopped it. He called the cops on the guy only because he saw my eyes. The woman told the cops that he was violent and constantly abusing her so they charged him. They brought the girl to the police station to get her official statement but they didn't take the guy. So when I got out, he was waiting for me with a knife and did some damage, but I kicked his ass after" I told her. She didn't say anything. Instead, she just slowly reached for my face and went over my scar. "I don't want that to happen because you defended me. I'm used to people making rude comments and assumptions" she said. "Like I told you, it's worth it to me" I smiled a little as I covered her hand with mine. "Now let's go grocery shopping, shall we?" I said as I brought our hands down to the gear stick. "Only if I'm paying" she told me. "No" I refused. "We're not going anywhere until you accept" she said as she put the car back on park. "Fine" I sighed. "Good" she smirked as she sat back in her seat. "But I'm paying half of it" I added as I quickly started driving which earned me a very intense glare followed by a chuckle and a slap on the arm. That's progress.

We agreed to only take the few things we had to buy to make dinner tonight and a couple more meals. I honestly didn't feel like buying everything we needed at that moment. I decided to let her pay, but next time it would be my turn.

The alpha - MeadonkUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum