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-September 30th 1970-

    It's been a month since I arrived into the world.Willy and I have gotten along fine.We both agreed that we were getting used to our new reality.Willy introduced me to the Oompa Loompa's my first day at the factory.He even was kind enough to have them decorate a bedroom for me.I of course declined.The Oompa Loompa's have become accustomed to my being here.They are often working so we don't talk a lot.
    Willy and I both work in the office and help the Oompa Loompa's create candy.Willy asks me if I ever have candy ideas which I usually shake my head having no answer.Today we are in our office and Willy keeps asking me questions and today his question is why I don't want a tour of the Factory.

Willy:I don't understand it.

Jayne:It's better to enjoy it first hand on the day the 5 contestants arrive.I know every scene by the back of my hand.I know what the places look like.I do want to see them but I want to experience the place like in the movie.

Willy:Sometimes your so frustrating.

Jayne:As are you.But I'm not complaining.I rather enjoy your personality.


Jayne:I'm almost sad I'd have to one day leave this place...My only family either died before i was born or passed away 7 years ago.Being here is like I have something to live for.Making people happy all over the world."Sighs".I wish to be here forever.

Willy:And you just may.No one knows what tommorow may bring.

Jayne:"Smiles".That you are right...I am so excited to meet some of my favorite people.I can hear them singing their songs already!.

Willy:Like what?.

Jayne:Like Bill from the Candy Shop in town...He sings a song about you in the first scene!."Smiles gladly".I can never contain singing the songs.

Willy:In that case...How about you sing this song to me.

Jayne:I will just embarrass myself.I could mess up the tune and it would be enough to make Bill sad.

Willy:"Laughs".He wouldn't be.The Bill I know would enjoy the show.

Jayne:"Sighs".Fine just don't laugh.

Willy:"Smiles".Of course not.

    I grab an Oompa Loompa named Gastov and tell him the plan.I then begin to sing.

Jayne:"Sings".Who can take a sunrise,Sprinkle it in dew,Cover it in chocolate and a miracle or two?.The candyman,The candyman can,The candyman can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good...Who can take a rainbow,Wrap it is a sigh,Soak it in the sun and make a strawberry lemon pie?.

Gastov:The candyman?.

Jayne:"Sings".The candyman,The candyman can,The candyman can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good.Willy Wonka makes,Everything he bakes,Satisfying and delicious,Talk about your childhood wishes,You can even eat the dishes.Who can take tomorrow,Dip it in a dream,Separate the sorrow,And collect up all the cream?.The candyman.

Gastov:"Sings".Willy Wonka can

Jayne:"Sings".The candyman can,The candyman can cause he mixes it with love,And makes the world taste good,And the world tastes good cause the candyman thinks it should.

Willy:"Claps".Bravo!.See?.That wasn't do hard!.

Jayne:"Blushes".Thanks...Gastov thanks for backing me up.

   Gastov nods then leaves the room as Willy stares at me.

Willy:You seem to amaze me Jayne.

Jayne:"Smiles".My mama used to sing me the song before I went to bed when I was younger.She always amazed me at her talents.

Willy:She sounds nice.

Jayne:"Frowns".She was..."Sighs".The night she passed all she wanted was to listen to one last song.Every since then i couldn't bring myself to even sing it.But yet I could still watch this movie...I was dependant on it.Which normally I'm pretty independent.

Willy:I've sensed that.Your mother would be proud of you.

Jayne:"Smiles".Thanks Willy...She would've fainted if she met you."Laughs".

    Willy joins in on the laugh and i can't help but look at Willy in a new light...I can't be falling for him...But I am...This romance stuff is so confusing.

Willy:Something wrong?.

Jayne:No I'm just thinking...Of how lucky i am to finally have a place to call home after my mom passed."Smiles".

Willy:Home this shall be.

Jayne:Home is where the heart is.


-December 24th 1970-

    Today is Christmas eve and I've now lived with Willy for almost 4 months.Willy and I have grown closer than ever.We have late night talks.We fool around in the factory like kids.I never thought I could be so happy in my Life.My feelings for Willy has grown but I'm scared to tell Willy i love him.The Oompa Loompa's know I have feelings for him since I always blush when they tease us for hanging out everyday.
    Gastov says we are attached at the hip.Gastov is my favorite Oompa Loompa.He is there when I need him and makes me smile when I'm sad.He is 38 years old and is like an older brother to me.
    I am currently walking thru the factory when I hear Willy's footsteps behind me.I turn around with a greeting smile.

Jayne:I was wondering where you were.

Willy:Oh I was in a meeting with Wilkinson.Christmas time is one of the busiest times of the year for the factory.

Jayne:I used to have to work Christmas Eve back at the candy shop in my world I was let off early in the day tho after the afternoon rush.

Willy:"Smiles laughing".Those were the worst.

Jayne:Don't I know it."Laughs".

    We walk to the break room together when two of the Oompa Loompa's in the room clear their throats.They point up and we see a mistletoe.The Oompa Loompa's leave chuckling and close the door.

Willy:Darn Oompa's...Told them Mistletoe wasn't aloud.


    Willy looks at me blushing.He then wraps his arms around my waist.He leans in starting to close his eyes.I lean forward my heart beating rapidly.His lips catch mine in a short yet warm kiss.
    He leans back still blushing as I'm still blushing from the gesture.Willy doesn't let go of me tho.I hold a smirk as Willy looks into my eyes.He then grabs the back of my head and brings me in for another kiss.I kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck.I smile into the kiss as I feel him grinning too.

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