Princess Deborah who was not asked to dance, walked to a table lined with champagne. Then I drank alcohol like a back alley.

In an instant, she empties three glasses of champagne and closed her arms with an arrogant expression.

It was gesture that gave felling that would not go along with the noble in this position.

Eventually Ripless own wife who had same as the other couldn't stand her behavior.

Mrs. Ripless cried slowly organizing in her mind the appropriate advice to give to princess Deborah

''Miss Deborah i have something to say''

Mrs.Ripless gracefully spreads her fan and call Princess Deborah.

As if responding , the princess with a cold face.

I shook the bright red fan


Mrs Ripless managed to swallow the scream that reached the end of her throat. Most of the ladies embroider pictures such as flowers and birds on their fans, but they carry a fan with red paint on them. Then it turns out that Duke Seymour a bang with two heads.

done .Would this mean a warning that you shouldn't climb carelessly?

''Please speak''

Princess Deborah voice was cld enough to cool her eardrums.

When i faced her blood red eyes face to face she became goosebumps and Mrs Ripless swallowed a dry saliva without knowing it.

''Go, Princess. wow, heavy drinking is not good''

''I'm worried about your health. You must have understood me? that, then. Let's have fun''

Mrs.Ripley concluded the talk and stepped back

....what suddenly i was nervous by talking

Deborah sighed as soon as Mrs Ripless like became gunman was there a cold talk before the debt.

I fell asleep for nothing.

Deborah drank a glass of champagne to suppress the tension that hit her neck.

In fact Deborah Seymour unliked her notoriety, was timid,

To be more precise, Yoon Do Hee who was indifferent to Deborah Seymour's body was timid.

Let's no shrink for no reason, You won't be as nice as in the past. Deborah bite her red lips.

''You don't have to feel guilty. The Baron is one who lives even if It's more perfect Baron Marco, who she fanned with a fan, had an affair with a maid and was the one who broke his leg by pushing her pregnant wife off the stairs.

However, no one will pay attention this situation in the crowd whose attention has been deprived only of their bloody appearance and actions.

Good. It's going as a planned' squeezing thought eyes this way

From the reactions around him, it seemed that he had well preserved Deborah's bloody reputation today.

I''ll continue to suck as the villain like this

She squeezed her fists as if holding her heart.

1. I wil disclose my history of abuse. How long am I?

''Do-hee my brother needs 10.000 won right now , My aunt was suddenly injured and he's been a good person since i was a kid. i am so sad. now''

''what should i do

Until i died i thought i was sorry for Han Joon-bae whose family relatives were rewarded every week. The bean crop was tight enough to be fooled by a fanlike lie

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