Chapter 3

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-Cato POV-
I am dressed in a white t-shirt and crimson dress-jacket. I have jeans on and black shoes. Clove is in a layered crimson dress that goes to the middle of her thighs.
We are finally in district twelve. We are about to walk out to give our speech. The mayor introduces us and we step onto the stage. On the right is Katniss' family and the left is Peeta's family.
Katniss' sister,Primrose, is crying and her mother is holding her tight. Peeta's father and brothers look devastated but they won't cry. When I look at his mother I am shocked. She doesn't look sad at all. She looks as if she doesn't care that her son is dead. She actually looks...happy.
"Hello, District Twelve." I greet.
"Hello." Clove says into the microphone.
"We are truly sorry for your loss. We did want we had to do to win. You may think we are monsters and cold-hearted people, but your wrong. We only killed because that's the game. The game is to kill and we had no choice but to play it." I say.
"We have hearts. If we didn't I would not be marrying the love of my life. I wouldn't know how to love." Clove explains.
The people look mad. I look over at Katniss' family. Above them is Katniss. She is moving ever so slightly to make it seem as if she was here watching us. The same with Peeta. His father is crying slightly and his mother is still happy as ever.
"Katniss was a very high ranked tribute. She got an eleven which is higher then the careers. Higher than me."I laugh,"She was a very intelligent girl. She made it far. I was not surprised her and Lover Boy er... Peeta made it through that far."
" They fought so hard. They tried to get back to you. I'm so sorry Primrose. I truly am. I had to get back home to my sister too." Clove starts to speak directly to Primrose.
A peacekeeper hands Primrose a microphone.
"You did?" Prim asks.
"I did. Her name is Elm. She is only a baby. My mother and father were cruel people and would beat her. I just couldn't let that happen to her. I couldn't just leave her there." Clove starts to cry.
"B-But why h-have t-to kill...Katniss that w-way?" Prim sobs into the microphone.
"I promised a good show to the Capitol. I forgot that she had you to protect,Primrose. I'm sorry." Clove apologizes.
"As for Peeta, he was suffering. I had to end his pain." I lie. I would have done it slowly but that would be too much for Snow to handle in the Capitol.
"He begged me to do it quick. And that's what I did." I nod my head at the end.
Suddenly something hits my shoulder. I try to grasp it in pain but the thing only digs in deeper.
I look down and see a knife lodged into my shoulder. Clove sees it too and gasps. She pulls it out and shouts,"Who the Hell threw this?"
"He did." Someone in the crowd replies.
Clove winds up to throw at the person, I try to catch her arm but it's too late. She throws the knife and it lodges itself in its target,the chest. The man falls to the ground. I expect to see peacekeepers taking Clove away but they stay where they are.
"They were going to kill him anyway." Clove snaps.
"Yeah."I say short.
"Your shoulder!" Clove shrieks. She brings me inside the Justice Building.
Cettle is crying, the the stylist are in shock, and the mentors jump into action. Brutus and Enobaria Rush over to us. They sit me down to look at my wound.
"That might need stitches." Enobaria declares.
"Ok." I reply nonchalantly.
An Avox from the train was sent to fetch a doctor.
A man in a doctors coat comes into the room with a large first aid kit. He pulls out a needle and thread and begins to stitch up my wound. He finishes quickly and assures Clove that I will be okay.
"Are you sure?" Clove asks for the fifth time.
"Yes. He will be fine!" The doctor shouts impatiently.
"Okay. Okay." Clove sighs.
"Come on baby. Let's go to the train." I stand up a bit too quickly and have to sit back down.
Clove gasps,"Cato! Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." I say a bit out of breath,"I just stood up too fast."
"Alright. Let's go." Clove smiles as she helps me up slowly.
We walk to the train and lay down in our room. I shut my eyes as Clove gets into the shower.
-Clove POV-
I strip off my clothes and enter the shower. I put the hot water on because I need to calm down.
Poor Cato. Stupid district twelve. Good thing I killed the person. How dare he hurt Cato. Did he think he would get away with it? Well he didn't. I killed him...
I killed another person. I start to hyperventilate. The shower starts to look like the arena. The people that I killed circle me. Including Katniss. They run up to me and I scream as I crouch down on the bathtub floor.
"Cato." I scream.
No answer.
"Cato!" I yell again.
Cato rushes through the door and opens the shower curtain. I keep screaming like I'm being stabbed. Cato lifts me up and cradles me like a baby. I would cover my chest but I can barely move. I feel so week. How can Cato carry me with a fresh wound on his shoulder.
Cato lays me on the bed as I continue to scream. My throat is dry but I keep screaming. The door is being knocked on by at least two people but Cato won't open it.
"Baby what's wrong?" Cato asks frantically.
"I...I...killed...him." I say between deep breaths.
"It's okay baby.Your not there anymore." Cato knows how I feel so well even when I don't explain myself fully.
"Clove, It's alright. Don't worry. You just wanted to protect me." Cato says stroking my hair.
I nod my head.
"Would you like some clothes now?" Cato asks sweetly.
I nod my head again not wanting to speak.
"Would you like to pick it out?" Cato inquires.
"Yes." I reply, my voice very scratchy.
I grab a pair of panties and a bra. I slip them on quickly because I'm getting cold. I walk over to the closet and type sweatpants. A selection of sweatpants show up and I choose gray ones that look comfortable. I type sweatshirts next and choose a blue one that says District Two on it. I walk back over to the bed and snuggle up with Cato who has also changed.
"Where did you go to change?" I giggle.
"The room that's supposed to be mine." He replies.
"Oh." I dig my head into his chest.
"I miss Elm." I sigh.
"Maybe we can call them later. You need some rest." Cato tells me.
I don't object. Cato moves down more into the bed and I place my head back on his chest. He wraps his arms around me protectively. I close my eyes and sleep with no nightmares because I already got my torture out today.

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