Zee was about to open the door to his bedroom when he noticed the door of room at the end of the hallway was opened. Suppapong, Zee thought. He could not deny that the prick saved his life. He hated the fact the he save his life and also his brother's. Dome made valid points that they had saved his life and they were good in what they do. Nevertheless, how was he going to live with the prick named Saint around his home, his workplace and around him? Zee stomped to room where Saint was in.

"What are you doing?" Zee asked.
"As I mentioned before Mr Panich and if you could have listened to what I said..." Saint said before turning to face Zee.
"I am checking this room again." He finished his sentence and stared at Zee.
"What's the point! I'm not going to hire you. It's a waste of time. Don't bother to do anything! Get ready to leave my house!" Zee retorted and Saint sighed looking rather bored.
"Am I boring you Suppapong?"
"On the contrary Mr Panich... You bore me? No... But YOU wasting my time... Yes." Saint muttered before turning away from Zee who was getting angrier by the second.
"The police has checked this room. Your service is not needed." Zee jabbed.
"As you have mentioned countless times before and this time is as fascinating as the first... the second... or the third." Saint mumbled.
"We know our service is not needed Mr Panich. What I am doing right now is to make sure that everything has been checked and double check. There's nothing wrong with that. Plus, we are doing this free of charge as per mentioned last night." Saint explained and the more he explained the more aggravated Zee felt.
"Anything and everything that we have found will be handed to the next security team that will take over from us Mr Panich. Again, Saint Securty gains nothing from this." Saint said.
"Mr Panich, I know how busy you are... Maybe you can leave me be? You don't want me to be in your face and frankly speaking the feeling is mutual." Saint stated while staring at Zee. Again, the two were about to face it off.
"You're wasting time!" Zee growled and left Saint in the room.
"Ditto Mr Panich. Ditto." Saint muttered.


"Hey Sexy Baby. What are you making?" Pavel greeted Dome who was at the stove.
"If you call me that again... I will..." Dome stopped talking when he saw Pavel holding Mr Fluffy Mitten by the cat's neck.
"Mr Fluffy Mitten!" Dome smiled and left the stove. He then took the cat from Pavel.
"Where did you find him?" Dome grinned and kissed the cat's fluffy furry belly.
"Art and Kev were about to eat him." Pavel told Dome.
"Kidding...." Pavel grinned.
"Tell your dogs to stay away from Mister Fluffy Mitten." Dome warned.
"Why such a long ass name for such a puny cat?" Pavel questioned.
"He's my cat. I can name it whatever." Dome huffed.
"And what's with the bib? He's a boy! Boys don't need bibs!" Pavel teased.
"Again... MY cat! MY bib! MY decision!" Dome growled.
"My Sexy Baby growls... I like!" Pavel smirked.
"Shut up!" Dome said before kissing the cat's belly again.
"Breakfast?" Pavel pointed at the stove and Dome quickly gave the cat back to Pavel and he reluctantly held the now growling feline.
"Your cat hates me." Pavel pointed.
"Good kitty." Dome smiled while he stirred the scrambled eggs.
"Hah! My Sexy Baby is making a joke!" Pavel laughed.
"Could you stop calling me that! I'm not sexy and I'm not a baby!" Dome muttered.
"You are sexy... you just don't know it." Pavel shared and stared at Dome.
"You are crazy." Dome said and shook his head while scooping some scrambled eggs on a plate.
"Have a seat. Coffee? Tea? Milk? Juice? ARSENIC?" Dome put a plate in front of Pavel. He then took the cat from Pavel again.
"You are not a Sexy Baby... You are a Dangerous Sexy Baby." Pavel joked as he washed his hands.
"I'm sorry that my brother is still... reluctant to hire your company." Dome said as he took a seat in front of Pavel.
"I was so scared last night." Dome told Pavel and while he put Mister Fluffy Mitten on the floor.
"Thank you for protecting us." He continued.
"You're welcome. I'm just glad that nobody is injured. Do you have milk?"
"Milk?" Dome asked while he studied Pavel.
"Yeah... Milk... I used to live in New Zealand. Can't start my day without milk." Pavel said and Dome nodded and went to the fridge.
"Do you know self defence? Taekwondo? Karate?" Pavel asked.
"I took up taekwando when I was younger." Dome mumbled and poured some milk in a glass in front of Pavel.
"And..." Pavel said.
"For a month." Dome gave a weak smile while Pavel shook his head.
"I nearly chocked on my breakfast Baby." Pavel grinned.
"By the way... Thank you for breakfast. This is delicious."
"You're welcome." Dome said.
"Hey Zee... Breakfast?" Dome suddenly realised his brother was standing at the door and he asked his brother.
"Yes please. Thank you." Zee took the seat where Dome sat before.
"Stop flirting with my brother." Zee growled at Pavel.
"Sorry..." Pavel raised his hands and then continued eating.
"Have you decided on whether you are going to call MewGulf or a different security company?" Pavel asked Zee.
"If you don't want Mew Gulf Security... I would suggest Arthes Security... or Callan Agency." Pavel suggested.
"Thank you." Zee murmured when his brother put a plate in front of him.
"Zee..." Dome said and sat next to his brother.
"Come on Zee... Let us stick with Saint Security. They are good with what they do." Dome coaxed his brother while Zee stabbed the scrambled eggs with his fork and ate silently. Dome sighed and nibbled on a piece of toast.
"Where is Saint?" Dome asked.
"He is probably checking on work at the office." Pavel answered.
"Doesn't he get hungry? I don't think he had anything last night." Dome said.
"Don't worry about him. He might look all cute and handsome like that but he is stronger, tougher and more resilient than he looks." Pavel explained while cleaning up his plate.
"He is?" Dome looked sceptical as he stared at Pavel and mentally comparing him and Saint.
"Yup! He's the only one in Saint security who had trained in the French Foreign Legion... the Legionnaires." Pavel disclosed.
"REALLY?" Dome was in awe.
"Yeah." Pavel nodded while downing his milk.
"By the way Mr Panich... please make up your mind on whether you need us or not... because even though I like flirting with Dome... I need to continue with my life." Pavel grinned and winked at the annoyed-looking Dome.


"I hate waiting." Pavel groaned while stroking Artemis and Cavalier's fur.
"I can't leave them Pavel. You know that." Saint said as he typed something on his tablet.
"You're too nice!" Pavel grumbled.
"I am not. I am just a realist in this matter." Saint stated.
"Hey Boss... I think Thailand's Hottest Actor has his eyes on you." Pavel grinned. Saint stared at him and then smacked the back of Pavel's head.
"Don't you have better things to do?" Saint murmured as he continued working on his tablet.
"I'm not kidding Saint. When he saw you... He fell for you hard." Pavel insisted.
"I think right now he is leaning on firing us." Saint stated.
"I don't think so." Pavel scratched his chin and then sighed out loud.
"Arghh.... Did I tell you that I hate waiting?" Pavel groaned.
"Are you sure?" Saint asked.
"Positive Boss."
"You seem to like Dome... I don't think you mind waiting and eating the food he cooks." Saint continued and smiled.
"Ah... my Dangerous Sexy Baby." Pavel grinned.
"You know what Pavel... The intruder moved extremely fast. Even after I shot him... or her... the intruder must be really fit and strong to have jumped down from the first floor and climbed up that tree." Saint said.
"Zee and Dome might not know what dangers they are facing." Saint continued.
"Are you sure?" Pavel questioned.
"There was blood near the wall... meaning I did shoot the intruder..." Saint thought.
"Maybe just nicked something and it's nothing serious." Pavel added.
"You're right..." Saint muttered.
"Hi Dome." Pavel suddenly said when he saw Dome entering the kitchen.
"Sorry about Artemis and Cavalier." Pavel said before herding the two big dogs out of the kitchen.
"Saint..." Dome said.
"My brother and I have come up with a decision."
"We will hire Saint Security." Dome smiled at Saint.
"Alright, then I will instruct my team to set a command centre. Please remember everything I asked from you and your brother yesterday. We need the list as soon as possible so that we can check who is safe and who is not safe."
"So fast?" Dome questioned.
"Yes. We cannot waste time especially when it comes to your brother. His schedule is packed. Am I right? This month is one of his busiest months this year ... am I right?" Saint asked and Dome nodded.
"How... How did you know that his schedule is packed?" Dome queried.
"A hunch." Saint said and smiled.
"Okay..." Dome smiled back.
"Thank you for hiring us Dome. I know Mr Panich must be reluctant." Saint said and Dome gave him a weak nod.
"It's not a problem Dome. What is the most important is you and your brother's safety. As the owner of Saint Security, your safety is our number one priority."

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