8 Years Ago

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18 year old Zee Pruk Panich parked his old rickety bicycle in the bicycle shed. He had not seen Saint Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana nor his goons around which was a blessing that morning. He turned around and stopped at his track when he saw Saint smirking at him. SHIT, Zee thought. His bully was standing less than 10 meters from him. Saint Suppapong had been a thorn in Zee's school life in the past few years. He was the bane in Zee's existence. If he could avoid Saint for one day, Zee wold be grateful. Zee stared at Saint who was walking slowly towards him. Zee swallowed nervously to calm his frazzled mind. How could a person who looked like Saint Suppapong be so cold, sometimes diabolical, short tempered and temperamental. Zee was scared of Saint.

"Morning Pet." Saint smirked. He always called him his Pet. Zee knew his schoolmates snickered and laughed at how he was called by Saint. Nonetheless, Zee would not dare ask Saint to stop calling him PET.
"Let's have breakfast." Saint held Zee's delicate wiry wrist and dragged him away from the bicycle shed without waiting for Zee's response.
"Hurry... You need to help me with my homework." He added without giving Zee a backward glance.
"I... I've... I've already eaten." Zee stammered and Saint stopped walking. He slowly turned around and stared at Zee.
"Do I look like I care Panich?" Saint growled and Zee immediately shook his head.
"Thought so." Saint continued to walk with Zee behind him towards the cafeteria.

    Nearly everyone knew that Saint was bullying Zee every day but nobody could do anything. Saint was in power in the school. His friends were not to be messed with as well. They were the people in power. Saint, Tay and New practically owned the school. People parted making way for the King of the school and his pet. They all knew Zee was Saint's. Nobody would dare touch or bother Zee because he was Saint's. Zee was under Saint's mercy. Zee could not understand how Saint would always be in all the classes that he took. Not only that, Zee was in the Mathematics Club and Saint and his goons were also there. Zee was also part of the swimming club and his Bully was there too. Zee could not comprehend how was it possible that his life was intertwined with the boy named Saint Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana. Zee was always a timid boy. He was constantly bullied by many. One faithful day, a bully from a senior class was threatening him when out of the blue Saint and his goons beat the boy up. From that day onwards, Zee became Saint's plaything. Saint became Zee's BULLY while Zee became Saint's PET.

"Buy me 2 plates of scrambled eggs and some snacks. You know what I like... And raspberry milk shake." Saint gave Zee his card.

    That was their routine. Saint would force him to get him breakfast and force Zee to eat with him before heading to class. Zee quickly got what Saint wanted and put them on the table. He then sat down facing Saint. That morning Saint's goons were not around. So, Zee waited for Saint to eat his breakfast.

"Eat Pet." Saint pushed a plate of scrambled eggs in front of Zee.
"I've..." Zee whispered.
"The fuck I care.. I said... Eat..." Saint glared at Zee that made him immediately grabbed a fork and started eating.
"Keep the snacks in your backpack... I'm too lazy to carry them."
"I.. I still have last week's snacks... So..." Zee ceased talking or explaining when Saint narrowed his eyes at Zee.
"Good Pet." Saint murmured as he continued to finish his breakfast.

    Zee's old raggedy backpack was filled to the brim with snacks. Saint would buy and Zee would lug them. He would sometimes ask for the snacks but most of the time Zee and his siblings would end up eating them since the expiration dates were closing. Zee found it odd that Saint would not ask or get angry if he were to tell him that he had eaten them. The whole experience was bizarre to the young Zee Pruk Panich. He could not wait to graduate and leave school. Not forgetting to leave his Bully behind.

"Hurry Pet." Saint's voice brought Zee back to reality. He stared down at his plate and he still had half of it. He had actually lied about having breakfast. His family was poor that sometimes there was no food on the table. That morning was no exception. Zee quickly finished his scrambled eggs. His stomach was full and he was rather grateful as he was not sure if his mother would have food for him and his siblings that day.
"Here... Finish it for me." Saint pushed a nearly full glass of raspberry milk towards Zee.
"DRINK... it!" Saint's menacing voice made Zee terrified that he instantaneously took the raspberry milkshake from Saint and sipped it.

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