Reese x Chubby Reader

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WARNING- contains slightly triggering content, implies eating disorders and body dysmorphia. If this makes you really uncomfortable then please don't read or do and just don't yell at me...

(Y/N) P.O.V.

    I sit alone on the concrete wall for another lunch. I look down at my food and tear up as I think about my weight. 'I don't even deserve to eat a salad' I think to myself and all of a sudden you hear oinking from across the courtyard you look up and see a group of girls and a couple of guys from the football team oinking and making pig noses at you while the other girls just laugh. I get up to start leaving but as I'm gathering my things a frustrated looking Reese blocks my way. "You're not going to do anything?" He asks with an obviously annoyed tone. I'm taken aback by his statement as you thought Reese would have joined in on the bullying. " So you're just going to let them get away with this?" he asks his tone getting more annoyed and you can hear a bit of hurting in his words. "W-Well... yes there's not much I can do." You say and you try to leave but he grabs your shoulder "Sit down (Y/N) and enjoy the show" Reese says in a reassuring tone but you look and he has a devilish smirk on his face and his eyes are filled with hunger... it was kinda hot. Before you could question what he meant he dropped his bag by yours on the ground and he sprinted over to the Jocks who were much bigger than him but somehow Reese tackled the lead and started punching him frantically, The two other jocks try to rip Reese off of the leader but Reese turns around and uses his entire body weight to swing a punch from the first guys cheekbone and then following through with striking the other guy in the jaw. At this point teachers were trying to get through the crowd of people and moment before he was swept away to the principals office he looks you right in the eyes and gives you the most wholesome and genuine smile.
    The bell for lunch rang shortly after and you realized you didn't eat any of your lunch so you grabbed the apple off your tray throwing the salad and water away. 'I wish I could enjoy eating again, but I always feel so guilty' you think to yourself making your way to your next period. As you walk into your class you notice Reese was already there with his head down on his desk and you sit next to him. Dropping both your bags in the aisle.  "Why did you do that" you ask kind of nervously " Want my honest answer or the answer you would expect?"  He says sounding kind of bitter. "How 'bout both" you say while smiling he looks up and you can see a bruise already starting to form where one of the Jocks had punched him. " Well honestly I hate when people make fun of things that cant really be helped.." he says sadly. " But you make fun of Krelboynes all the time." He looks at you and thinks for a second " Yeah, but that's different I dont beat them up because they are smart, I kick their asses because they are always rubbing it in my face that all Ill ever be is an idiot they dont even have say it... butI know those little geniuses are doing some tlepathing brainy crap and saying it behind my back." He says scowling and clenching his fist. You cant help but giggle. You've always thought Reese was cute but you've never had the opportunity to talk to him. "What's so funny?!"  he turns back to you and when he see you smiling at his his scowl softens and he starts to smile too. You notice his cheeks get kinda red and as you were about to say something back Mr. Herkabe walks into the room. "All right students All of failed your projects!" He says sitting at his desk and Malcom pipes up " You didnt even give us a project how can we have failed if you didnt assign it yet?!?" Mr Herkabe looks at him and stands up "Oh Malcom is that so? Well then everyone in the class must work with a partner to make a 10 page essay about the importance of 'The Compiègne Wagon' and the treaties that were signed." Mr. Herkabe says very matter of factly "What  the hell is the champeigne Wagon" Reese whispers to you. You lightly giggle but dont reply becuase the evil being that is our teacher was already staring down Reese. "Miss (Y/N), is this idiot delinquant bothering you?" He says bitterly and glares as he walks tot he back of the gass where you to are sitting. "No sir he was just asking a question." you say nervously almost choking on your words. "What was his question? Probably something really stupid and imature, am I correct?" He raises his eyebrow and you look over at Reese and see slight pain in his eyes. "No he was just asking if i would be his partner" You say with a coinvincing tone and you see Reese's eyes widen and he looks... really happy. "Is that so? Reese is this true you want (Y/N) an intelligent B average student to be your partner?" He says turning to Reese. 'It's my turn to stand up for him' "As a matter of fact he does and you should really give him more credit he can do a lot more than you think!" You day and you instantly regret your outburst when Mr. Herkabe looks at you with rage in his eyes but as your mind went blank pure rage swept over you. Now you were no fighter but you grabbed Reese's hand and walked out of the classroom. No matter how much Mr. Herkabe yelled And screamed down the hallway you did not turn around you were so enraged that you didn't even realize that your were still holding Reese's hand, squeezing it at that you were all the way off school grounds when Reese chuckled. "You really don't want to let go of my hand do you?" You freeze and start blushing you whip around and pull your hand back quickly. "That was really cool what you did back there. Seriously thank you. But I hope you weren't serious about the partner stuff I mean all I would do is bring your grade down..." He said drifting off into disappointment. "So what. If we can at least get a C on this project you could go up a whole grade. What do ya say?" You say smiling him "So pretty" he says under his breath and you hear him. "What was that?" You say teasingly smiling more with a slight giggle. "N-Nahh Nothing" He blushes. "Are you blushing? Strong manly Reese is blushing?" You giggle out more about to pinch his cheek you pull your hand back realizing it might be a bad idea. He grabs your hand swiftly and looks up at you. "You think I'm strong and manly?" He says with excitement "well... of course I do... You beat the crap out of three Jocks and countless other guys at school you can't do that and not be strong." You give him another smile and start walking home. He quickly starts to follow you. "Can I walk you home? I mean what if those jerks come back and try to get payback..." You smile at him. "No need for excuses just walk pretty boy." Your surprised by your confidence and he's surprised you called him pretty boy. "How bout I cook you dinner?" He says with a big smile surprisingly not mentioning your pretty boy comment. "You cook?!" You ask and he just smiles even wider and chuckles. "Yeah I wanna show you something I am good at before you have to deal with what I'm not good at." He says "What's that supposed to mean Reese?" He looks over and you can see his struggling to find how to phrase it "Well Mr. Herkabe is right about me being an idiot." Suddenly Reese gets a sharp slap on the arm "YOU ARE NOT AN IDOIT!" You yell at him and to your surprise he didn't get angry he actually looked scared "I'm sorry..." you say looking down. You hear Reese start to laugh "what are you sorry about I should be thanking you! You're the first person who has slapped me and it been a nice thing. I didn't know it was possible!" You smile back and notice you two start walking closer together. Your shoulder almost touching. Reese interrupts the peaceful silence. "Here's my house." Your shocked. "This is your house?" "Yeah why?" You just grab his hand and run down the street and turn the corner. "This is my house!" You say showing him the pastel yellow house that was just around the corner. "Wow you live so close!" He says seeming really excited. "Yeah... I guess I do.." you kick your dirty white converse on the curb nervously "(Y/N) do you realize how great this is? This means we can play street hockey together and walk home together after school like a real- Nevermind" he says stopping himself "Like a real what Reese?" You smile at him. "it's best I don't tell you come on I wanna start on dinner what your favorite food?" You freeze up and Reese starts walking towards his house but turns around when he doesn't hear you following him. "Did I say something wrong?" He says as you just stare at the ground. "No you're fine it's just I don't like eating in front of people. I feel like I'm not allowed to eat." You say with tears welling in your eyes. You were shocked when your feel Reese hug you and he starts to pat your head and even combs his hands through your hair. "Your beautiful (Y/N) you know that? You shouldn't be ashamed of eating. You should enjoy food and anyone who says other wise is gonna get that ass kicked." He says making you smile. "That's oddly sweet you would really keep beating people up for me." And then your process the first thing he said and before he could reply "You think I'm beautiful?!" You blurt our and he hugs you tighter. "Of course I do, skinny girls don't have anything on you. I love the way you cheeks look when you smile and the way your hips move as you walk down the halls. You are beautiful I don't even want to list off all the things I live about you. Because I'm pretty sure the list is endless." He says and you can tell he's genuine. You pull back from the hug and look up at him and he puts and arm around your shoulders and starts to walk you to his place. "We've got time if you'd like to continue that list of yours.." you say jokingly but he didn't pick up on the fact that you weren't serious but didn't stop him as he continued. "I love the way your thighs look in jeans and when your sit down they just look so round and comfy. I love how big your butt is obviously. But I also love how comfy you look. I may not look like it but I'm a really softy for cuddles." He says smiling. You lean your head on his shoulder as you guys walk and when you get home Dewey was at the door with his key. "Why are you here Reese this is my alone time. And who is she?" He looked annoyed so confused  but when he saw you he just looked confused. "Shut it Dewey. Open the door and let us in we've got business to get to together" Dewey looks at Reese with terror "Gross I'm telling mom" he says and you finally speak up and in a sweet time you lean down and say "No no I presume your name is Dewey it's not like that I'm his partner on his school project and Reese was going to cook me some food while I got a head start in the research." Dewey leans in and says "Don't let him fool you he's an idiot and he's gonna try and make you do all the work while he just torments you or even worse he'll just check you out. Just like he's doing right now" you giggle as you don't believe him but you turn around and Reese is eyeing up your booty. "Reese!" You snap him out of it. "I told you I like your ass you can't blame me for it I'm just a man!" He says desperately and you just giggle at him. Dewey opened the Door and Reese leads you inside.

~Time skip to when the food is done~

       "And there you go (Y/n), (favorite food) I made special for you." Reese says with obvious pride. "Wow Reese this looks delicious. I haven't even smelled food this good in months." You say smiling but as you look up at him he looks sad. "I can start making your lunches for you if you'd like, and I'll make you dinner every Iggy if you'd like that too. If your not eating well I can help." He says sitting next to you "It's not that Reese..." you say ashamed. " From now on I will be making you lunches everyday and you can come over for dinner any time you want okay (Y/N)?" He says handing you a fork so you can dig in. He yells to Dewey in the family room. "Dewey get in here and help us eat this before Malcom gets-" he was interrupted by Malcom walking through the door. "What about Malcom?" Malcom says as he throws his backpack down. "Nothing, there's food in here if you want some." Reese looks to you and you haven't even touched you plate but he hears your tummy growl. He smirks and leans in and whispers. "If you don't eat your food I'm gonna have to spank you" you blush bright red and start to eat your food in small bites and Reese seems really content with himself "Is it good?" He says right after you shove a brave big bite into your mouth. And you look up and nod. He leans in once more. "Use your words little one" he smirks as he whispers "EW Reese!" Malcom says as he sits down. You blush harder. And swallow you bite. "Can you and your girlfriend go and get a room?" Dewey says and you look down. "Careful Dewey she might grab Reese and storm out." Malcom says smiling but he notices that your looking down at your lap and a tear falls "Oh my god I'm so sorry (Y/N) it was just a joke! Please don't cry!" Malcom panics and Reese simply hugs me. "Want me to kick his ass?" You smile and shake you head no. "We better get working on the project Reese." You stand up and go to the table you realize you had left your backpack in Mr. Herkabe's class when you stormed off. "Damn it! We left our bags!" I say. "Dont worry I grabbed them. One of this kids in class told me you lived near by and well Reese is my brother so I figured I could bring them to you guys." Malcom says seeming sour about Reese being his brother. "Thank you Malcom" you say cheerfully. "Reese isn't your so brother nice sometimes?" Reese scowls "He's only nice to you because your a girl." You sit down "Isn't that why your nice to me?" You look up at Reese and smirk. "No I'm nice to you because... because" Reese sits down next to you at the table in the family room where you set your backpack. "I'm nice to you because you're the cutest nicest girl I've ever seen." He looks into your eyes. "I'm nice to you because I like you... a lot. I have for a while." This sweet moment was interrupted by Malcom and Dewey chanting "Reese got a girlfriend Reesssee got a giiirlfriend!" "Not if you don't shut the hell up buttwipes" Reese yells. You giggle " I like it here... never a dull moment with you." You day and lean over to kiss him. Right as you peck him in the lips. A car pulls in "Mom" all the boys say in unison. "Start working on the project and I'm sorry about her in advance." He says. "Who's this Louis says as she walks through the door" Reese freezes "Just a girl from class mom she's doing homework with me" Reese says and turns to you smiling widely.

A/N:If you want a part two tell me but I'm gonna end it here because this was already really long. I hope you enjoyed also sorry about spelling errors/ grammar... I wrote this all in one night :)

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