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frosty winter wind blow against the large meadows of vegetation,
few barren trees sprinkled lonely across the land.

though, still they stand tall and proud,
like a small child getting their height measured against a wall.

as far as the eye could see, there was nothing but grasses and trees, nothing else at all -
except a rundown and shabby barn house with a small, square fenced in garden.

it looked abandoned going by the cheap red paint that was pealing off and the surrounding grass,
tall enough to hide a slithering snake or crouching predator.

but that wasn't the focus.

the garden, being attacked on all sides by weeds, the rows of carrots unable to defend themselves.
all hope fell onto the young girl with wild hair who visited as much as she could,
though she wasn't reliable.

like the carrots, she hid herself, only letting part of herself show,
maybe she was digging below in the hopeful wishing of finding part of herself she had lost in the battle.

she forces a smile and cowers away, and the carrots huddle up close for warmth in the winter.

it was hard to rely upon something other than themselves when the weather outside was so horrible.

it was times like these when she wanted to hide from the world the most.

she was like a carrot, buried deep within, only wild hair showing,
both trying to survive the dropping temperatures each passing night,
shivering as frost covers the ground they're hidden under.

but she was like a carrot, and carrots are proven to taste better after a frost or two.

- h.l.r.w

carrots. - requested by dustin_boiiWhere stories live. Discover now