Shira and Diego

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Shira "Hello readers of wattpad, we've decided enough with censoring all the things dirty and fuck it."

Diego "The Herd will have the type of jokes from all five films. And more."

Shira "There will be a lot of fucking ass and daddy raptor will be doing incest stuff and many more." 

They stared at each other in a sluty way.

Shira "This will be the kinks to the extreme."

Diego "Except death kinks."

Shira "Well of course, that'll be no fun."


Diego "Who said that?"

MUTO boos again and says "All kinks, including snuff and death."

Shira "They're the same thing."

MUTO "Not to me kitty, go away and roll some clips."

Shira growls and Diego bites at the leash. Shira tries to pounce but chokes on the collar, not caring as Shira is piss.

Diego "It's a good thing she's my bitch tonight or else your dead."

MUTO "You don't know my powers mortal."

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