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Mu Mingtang didn't know the psychological activities of Old General Xu. Seeing Xie Xuanchen's walking wounds hurt, she couldn't be more distressed.

  After returning to the house easily, Mu Mingtang immediately ordered the maid: "Go get hot water, clean gauze and wound medicine."

  The maids were all frightened by the battle and ran out to fetch things. Xie Xuanchen vaguely felt that he was playing a bit too big. He held Mu Mingtang's hand and said weakly: "You don't have to alarm so many people, I just want to stay with you for a while."

  "You are brave again." Mu Mingtang gave him a helpless look, but after the maid fetched the things, he still waved everyone away at Xie Xuanchen's will, took the kerchief and soaked it in hot water, and twisted it in the basin. Dry, "You untie your clothes first, and I will help you clean the wound."

  Xie Xuanchen looked at this formation, originally intending to tell her the truth and not teasing her, but at this moment suddenly changed his tone: "But my shoulder hurts, it hurts when I move it..."

  Mu Mingtang immediately said, "Don't move, I'll come."

  Xie Xuanchen pretended to decline: "It's okay, I can do it myself, just bear it."

  How willing is Mu Mingtang? She temporarily put down her veil, sat on the edge of the bed, and gently undressed him: "If it hurts, tell me."

  Xie Xuanchen stretched out his hand in special cooperation, because he was afraid that it would be too obvious, so he could only reluctantly slow down: "It's okay, just do it casually."

  This is what Xie Xuanchen said sincerely and sincerely. Hearing this, Mu Mingtang felt more distressed for him, and the movements on his hands became lighter: "You are hurt and you have to ride back. Is it particularly painful? I heard that you rushed into the Beirong tent alone and held him hostage. Yeluji will leave. Are you injured at this time?"

  This is true, but it is not as exaggerated as Mu Mingtang said, it was Xu Qilang and others who covered him and rushed into the king's account. Yeluji is more or less a prince, and there are many guards around him. Xie Xuanchen is one-to-many, and it is inevitable that he will be scratched by a knife. However, Xie Xuanchen was not at a loss, he was just scratched in a serious way, but the other party was killed by him.

  This injury isn't a big deal, the wounds he made during his own sword practice are all deeper than this. Moreover, his muscles were tensed at the time, the knife didn't make a deep stroke, it just scratched the epidermis and shed some blood. Xie Xuanchen didn't take it seriously, and the others didn't take this sadness to heart.

  They ran back to Zhongshan without slowing down, and as soon as they entered the border, General Xu immediately sent people to meet them. The Bei Rong people chased them all day and night, but finally they lost their prince.

  The wounds in the hearts of Bei Rong people are probably bigger than those of Xie Xuanchen.

  Xie Xuanchen thought for a while, omitting unrelated people, and emphatically describing his bravery... and danger at the time. Sure enough, Mu Mingtang became more distressed as she heard it, she had already untied Xie Xuanchen's shirt and saw the blood-stained gauze. She stretched out her hand and carefully slashed across the edge. Mu Mingtang's slender and soft fingers crossed Xie Xuanchen's arm at this moment. If it was as light as a feather, a cluster of fire rushed from the place she touched to Xie Xuanchen's heart.

  Xie Xuanchen's throat moved, and Mu Mingtang still knew nothing. He raised his head and opened his wet eyes, and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

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