100. Revival

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Mu Mingtang's long hair was scattered on the pillow, and the beauty seemed to be extremely tired, and even the long hair was too late to gather, so she fell asleep deeply.

The crimson brocade was weakly dragged with strands of black hair, still faintly wet, like a begonia after the rain, bright and charming, just looking at it, it is infinite reverie.

Mu Mingtang fell asleep with exhaustion, and suddenly woke up after not knowing how long he slept.

After she woke up, she found that Xie Xuanchen was not there. She turned around with strength and touched the bed next to her with her slender fingers. It was cold.

It seems that he has been out for a long time. Or, it didn't come back at all.

During the curfew today, Zhu Yang Hong suddenly visited the house, and not long after sitting down, he talked about the situation outside.

The east road fell, Yeluji had led a 100,000 army of Chen Bing riverside, and the capital was in danger.

These words I wish Yang Hong must not just talk about it casually, and even if he visits the door today, he is not doing it at will.

Zhu Yanghong serves in the Privy Council. Although he is in an embarrassing situation because he is neither civil nor military, he is in the center of power and has close daily contact with civil officials. Since the news of the defeat came yesterday, officials from North Korea and China have been arguing all day, arguing about how to resolve the situation.

In fact, it's not that they couldn't discuss it. After everyone heard the news, an answer immediately appeared in their hearts. But no one dared to say.

To wish Yang Hong to come to the door this evening, most of it was a temptation from North Korea. Zhu Yanghong has served as a military attache and once worked with Xie Xuanchen. I heard that Mrs. Zhu still has a lot of friendship with Princess An. It is really appropriate to have him serve as a pathfinder.

Xie Xuanchen did not speak after hearing it.

But Mu Mingtang knew that although he seemed calm, he ignored the temptations thrown by the court represented by Zhu Yang Hong, but he was not at peace. He couldn't see any mood swings when he was eating, but when he went to bed with Mu Mingtang, he was a little out of control.

Mu Mingtang was very tired. Xie Xuanchen had been vigorous in bed, but today was a little too tough. Mu Mingtang was only tired for the first time. As soon as Xie Xuanchen finished, she fell into a deep sleep.

After she fell asleep, she didn't feel anymore, thinking about it, Xie Xuanchen didn't sleep after the end, but went out again.

Mu Mingtang sat on the bed for a while, resigned himself to his fate, got out of bed and went to find Xie Xuanchen.

She didn't wake up the maid this time, but carrying the lamp alone, she went straight to the martial arts field. The Wangfu West Road is very large, with a special horse farm, martial arts field, weapons depot, and a main courtyard, Zhenqintang, which contains military books, maps, and Xie Xuanchen's armor and saber.

Yulintang is actually only Xie Xuanchen's sleeping hall, and Zhenqintang is his place of external activities.

When Mu Mingtang approached, Zhenqintang was quiet, dark and dull, as if there was no one. But Mu Mingtang didn't hesitate to push the door of Zhenqintang directly.

The moonlight entered the house, and the illuminated ground was empty and clear. Mu Mingtang paused and asked softly: "Are you there?"

Silent for a long time. After a while, a soft sigh came from the innermost: "Why are you here?"

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