"WHAT? Hermione, why would you do something like that?" she lowered her voice to be Harry.

"Oh, Harry, you just don't know him like I do. He's really..." Hermione drew a blank and started over. "Come on, Harry, you know how these things are..."

Right. Except he didn't.

"What can I say, he's amazing in the sack, Harry," Hermione groaned at her words.

Bloody hell. There had to be another possibility.

Draco bounded from his bed like it was Christmas.

He hadn't been this excited to go to school since the first day of Hogwarts. When Dumbledore first mentioned the possibility of him not just working with, but actually MARRYING Hermione Granger, the mudblood harpy that lived to irritate him, he'd been horrified. Who wouldn't be?

Harry Potter came to mind and was immediately dismissed. He didn't count, he wasn't... Well, he didn't count.

But Harry Potter marrying Hermione wouldn't make a statement and Dumbledore knew it. It was almost expected that those two crazy kids would hook up one day anyway.

Draco smirked...not anymore.

He almost skipped to breakfast.

The idea of Hermione telling Potter that she had wanted nothing more than to be Mrs. Draco Malfoy was making him happy like nothing else in years. And today was the day. He grinned in anticipation.

Hermione seemed...less than excited, but the notion didn't bother him. She'd have her fun when they told his friends... He shifted uncomfortably at the thought of what Crabbe and Goyle would say...or really any of the other Slytherins, but ultimately, he was in charge ofthem not the other way around. If he said it was fashionable to marry a mudblood, they'd better be engaged by Christmas.

No, their reaction didn't bother him. He was the trend setter, the new pillar of aristocracy in the witching world.

Draco snuck a look at his wife as they sat to eat. Potter and Weasley were basically pathetic without her. Anyone could see she was the brains behind their operation, annoying as that could be when one encountered her in classes.

The idea that he had snatched her out from under their noses and married her, of all things, made him want to burst into gleeful cackles.

It was petty, of course, he and Potter were on the 'same side' now and all that rot, but it had been a long time since Draco had enjoyed something so simple as another guy's jealousy.

And jealous, he would be. Despite any indication Hermione gave to the contrary, Draco was male.

In Potter and Weasley's mind, Hermione was theirs.

They would be less than thrilled to find he had stolen her.

Draco dug into his food with relish. God, he loved life.

Hermione watched Draco subtly that morning, wishing she could come up with a plan that didn't involve him being there when she met Harry and Ron for the first time in months.

It would be hard enough to tell them without him being there, knowing he'd be gloating the entire time.

She'd felt his anticipation the entire morning and Hermione felt herself a most remarkable person for resisting the temptation to hex his ass. It took strength.

A strength she'd be needing when she threw in her, Oh, hey, Harry, nice to see you! By the way, I married Malfoy. See ya!

Hermione groaned and Malfoy caught it.

A smile spread across his lips and she glared at him.

"Not my fault you couldn't resist me, Granger," he smirked, "Ahem, Mrs. Malfoy."

He did that just to irritate her, Hermione knew, and ignored the bizarre shiver that traveled up her spine at the name. She assumed it was revulsion.

"More like I couldn't resist Dumbledore, Malfoy," Hermione rolled her eyes.

Draco made a face, "Ick, did you just get a really nasty image?"

"Ugh," Hermione smacked him, rising to stalk from the table.

"Just asking..." his voice followed her.

It was time.

The train had arrived and any second now, the newly wedded couple would be surrounded with their classmates and friends.

"You think maybe we should make out as they get off the train?" Draco raised an eyebrow at Hermione.

"Great idea, Malfoy. Maybe right after you drop dead."

Draco shook his head, "You have disturbing tastes...but then, you always have."

"I did marry you," Hermione shrugged, silencing him with a look as students began to pour out of the cars. Exhaling softly, she watched as Harry and Ron stepped off the train.

"Here we go," she heard next to her before her friends tackled her.

"Whoa...Hello to you too," she grinned at Harry and Ron, as they backed off.

"How was being at school without us?" Ron asked.

"Somehow, I survived," Hermione shrugged.

"You missed us," he grinned, "You can say it."

"Well..." she rolled her eyes and they laughed.

"Hey Hermione!" Ginny Weasley interrupted their conversation, giving Hermione a hug. Over the girl's shoulder, Hermione could see Draco, shaking hands with a few of his Slytherin chums. Slimy bastards, she shivered. It made her skin crawl to see Malfoy with them.

Ginny pulled back with a smile, grabbing Hermione's hands. "How was your summer?" she cried, frowning slightly and looking down.

Hermione's heart stopped in her throat as Ginny raised Hermione's left hand, staring in awe at the diamond ring and wedding band that graced her finger. A Malfoy would never have less, Draco's voice came back to her.

"More exciting than I thought!" the girl finally gasped, raising her eyes to Hermione's in pure astonishment.

"You're engaged?" Ron gasped, seeing only the diamond.

Hermione laughed nervously, "Not exactly..."

Harry frowned, stepping up behind Ginny to take Hermione's hand. "You're married," he said dully, raising his eyes to search hers.

Swallowing hard, Hermione nodded.

He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped, looking to Ron for help.

"Well, CONGRATULATIONS!" Ginny squealed, hugging her. "Ignore them, they're boys," she rolled her eyes. "Tell me everything! Who's the lucky guy? I didn't even know you were seeing someone! Give details!"

Hermione would have laughed at Ginny's reaction if not for the knot of fear in her stomach, twisting slowly to torture her.

"I...well," Hermione coughed, "It's funny you should ask..."

"Not making the announcement without me, are you, love?" Draco's voice drifted over her and she spun to meet his laughing eyes as he lifted her left hand to his lips, kissing the rings on her finger.

Laughing nervously, Hermione turned to her friends, the shock on their faces radiating in waves as they stared at the two of them.

"You guys...uhh...remember Draco?" she asked nervously.

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