I'm Not Leaving

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y/f/r= your favorite restaurant
Y/N= your name

"Y/N, baby please open the door" Grayson pleaded from the outside of the bedroom you both shared

You and Grayson had been arguing nonstop for almost the whole week, maybe it was your period hormones, or maybe it just wasn't a good week for either of you

"No Grayson, just leave! I don't want to see you right now!" you spoke from the other side of the door

The argument that had gotten you both into this mess was that you forgot to bring groceries back home after having gone out to the bookstore, Grayson of course became upset with you and you both bickered about how you forgot

"I'm sorry I screamed at you Y/N, please open the door, I want to hold you, I know you're hurting just as much as me right now" Grayson said with tears threatening to spill down his cheeks

You opened the door and stood in front of Grayson, with tears in your eyes and a puffy face from all the crying you had done, it pained Grayson seeing you like this, it's not like you had purposely forgotten to get groceries, everyone makes mistakes

"Grayson...I think you should leave...I don't know that this is working out anymore" you whispered while you held yourself with more tears spilling down your face like rain in a thunderstorm

"W-what? N-no baby, Y-Y/N, I'm not leaving you, listen to me," he softly said as he held your hands and lifted your chin up slightly so you could look at him, "Sunshine, I am so so sorry I screamed at you, I-I didn't mean to make you cry, I was just frustrated with the video projects, and I took that frustration out on you when I shouldn't have, and I am so so sorry" he said as he went to hug you, hoping you'd hug him back, which you did

"I'm sorry Grayson, I-"

"No, you don't need to be sorry about a thing, you didn't do anything wrong, ok?" he said as he pulled away from the hug and you nodded

"How about we go get some food instead? From y/f/r, I know you love that place" he said with a smile now on his face that you just couldn't help but smile back at

"Ok baby, let's go"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now