A Bowl of Jambalaya & A Song

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'What's jambalaya?' you ask Alastor on the way back to the hotel, 'Why jambalaya is one of the most delicious dishes you can have!' Alastor states with drama as usual, 'Okay but what is it made of?', I ask in response; 'Why it's made up of sausage, rice, broth, tomato, thyme, chicken, and shrimp, a delicious combination!' Alastor states, 'Oh... so basically it's one of those throw everything into a pot and hope for the best dishes.' I say with slight sass; 'If that's how you see it, then see it that way, HA HA!' geez what's with this guy and his drama, then again, he was a radio show host. We all walk through the door and when Nifty sees the destruction and debris, oh boy, I don't think I've ever seen someone work so hard to clean in my entire life; Nifty was zooming by faster then I could blink cleaning up the front lobby as if hell was about to freeze over, if I'm being honest I thought it was kinda funny, however, I also admired Nifty for her goal for perfection while cleaning. 

2 minutes later

After about two minutes Nifty's hard work had payed off, it looked like nothing was wrong, well except for the fact that the door was missing but either me or Alastor could fix that. 'Say how about we get some food, I'm starving.' Angle Dust says, 'Well maybe if you want food so bad you should help make it.' I state in a nonchalant tone. Angle looks to me with an annoyed tone and states, 'I don't remember you being my mother PLAYER.' I then look towards Angle and do a face few that managed to actually wipe Alastor's smile of his face.

' I then look towards Angle and do a face few that managed to actually wipe Alastor's smile of his face

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'Talk back to me in that tone again and I will rip you apart atom by atom.' I state, 'HOLY SHIT!' Angle screams in terror and quickly runs to the kitchen ready to help cooking; I start to wipe the ink off my face looking towards the others who are still in shock, 'Yeah---- sorry about that but I made a promise to a friend to scare those who are lazy into working.' I calmly state, 'O-oh n-n-no problem P-PLAYER' Charlie says. 'Charlie look you guys shouldn't have seen that, I'm sorry... want a hug?' I state and offer to Charlie whom gladly accepts, 'Again I'm sorry you saw that, I'm just a little stressed since someone I thought was dead appears to be alive.' Charlie looks at me with sympathy, 'It's okay PLAYER I understand, I think we're all more shocked that you manage to get Alastor to stop smiling.' Charlie states as if it were nothing; 'Wait what?! I got Alastor to stop smiling!' I yell in shock, 'Y-yeah you did' Vaggie states still in a little bit of shock, 'Yeah even I'm amazed, I mean he's practically just stoped functioning' Husk states while poking Alastor; 'Well let's go eat I'm starved!' I state with slight joy.

Alastor's POV:

That face... that oozing black liquid, that grin... not once in all of my time in hell have I stoped smiling, and just like that PLAYER managed to break my smile... I start to get a big smile on my face again while realizing that I've met someone I actually fear, I actually FEAR! Although I only fear them a little I still felt fear, I don't believe I will ever hear the end of this, however, the fact that I felt something new makes me ecstatic, 'I do believe this will be very interesting.' I state with an evil smile.

' I state with an evil smile

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30 Minutes Later

Charlie's POV:

'Thank you so much for making dinner you two.' Charlie says to Alastor & Angle, 'Yeah well... it's not like I had a choice.' Angle says annoyed, 'Sure you did, you could have stood your ground' PLAYER say's grinning. 'Well... I..., why are you correct in this?' Angle asks even more annoyed, 'Because... I know and see all' PLAYER says as she pulls out a psychic orb & tosses it to Angle. That's where I start laughing, 'Geez it wasn't that punny.' PLAYER joked, 'Ugh--- why do you have to make bad jokes like that?' Angle asks. 'Simple... I find them funny.' PLAYER says nonchalantly, 'Well my dear girl I do believe that was quite a good pun, HA HA.' Alastor states, 'Thanks Al.' PLAYER responds. 


After the little fiasco we start to dig into dinner, 'I've never had jambalaya so I don't know if I'll like it... welp here's hoping' I say as I begin to eat my jambalaya, 'So my dear how does it taste?' Alastor asks, 'Not bad, but not exactly my favorite, I believe my favorite food still goes to butterscotch cinnamon pie.' I respond to Alastor; 'Well it's not for everyone no harm done in being honest' Alastor says, 'So what should we do now. Oh I know! We should go to the stage and mess around & maybe even sing!' Charlie says with enthusiasm; 'Why that's a spectacular idea my dear Charlie!' Alastor replies, I simply say okay to the idea. 

2 minutes later

Alastor's POV:

It's been around two minutes of song and laughs, to say the least nobody found it interesting or fun until Angle asked a question we all have been wondering. 'Say toot's what was the world you were in like before you "reformed" it?' Angle asks PLAYER, '...[sigh] Alright, I tell you... but since Charlie mentioned singing I guess I'll sing this short little story, as childish as it seems.' PLAYER responds, everyone could feel the dread coming off them it was like a tidal wave. 'Well this should be interesting.' I say to myself, she snaps her fingers and a sheet of music appears, PLAYER asks Husk to play it on the piano which he obliges to after some more liquor. 

To say the least, everyone was shocked... they knew that pure evil existed but... this goes beyond  pure evil, 'Oh my fucking god... PLAYER I... I'm so sorry you had to see that' Vaggie says, 'It's ok... besides, that timeline no longer exist, Chara, Frisk, & Asriel are alive and monster kind made it to the surface without going through genocide.' PLAYER states, well anyways 'I'm going to bed... see you all in the morning.' and with that PLAYER teleported to their room to let sleep claim them and to allow them to forget the L.O.V.E. they endured to get a perfect ending.

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