Chapter 1 - Bakugou can't do anything

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The chapters are gonna be short and updates will not be frequent. I will be writing in 3rd POV mostly because I suck at writing first person.

3rd POV

Waking up in a cold sweat bakugo shoots up to remember the reoccurring nightmare he has been experiencing science the night of his parent's death. Everybody doesn't know about his parents death just him, his teacher, Shota Aizawa and the principal, Nezu. Groning as he sits up, looking at the time he decides to go to the ice rink to skate. changing into his skating gear which consists of black tights and a white T-shirt, putting some regular clothes onto. bakugo makes his way to the ice rink. Upon arriving he greets the manager with a nod before making his way to the change rooms to change out of his regular clothes into his skating ones and slipped on his skates. Once ready he makes his way over to the ice, playing his favourite song for skating he lets the skates glide over the ice doing advanced flips that even people doing it for whole life would struggle to do. letting the music drown out his thoughts, he finds himself at peace with the world. Once the song ends he plays a random song and skates to it. After a while, he stops to get himself something to eat. after a while of practising, he decides to do his favourite short program from Yuuri on Ice which is eros. (i can't find a video of it) Hips swaying to the music he lets his anxiety wash away bringing him this new sense of belonging.

Time skip cause of my lazy ass

Before he knew it it was dark outside and he had spent the whole day skating. Stiffiling a yawn he decided to go home, being too lazy to change out of his skateing gear he just put on a jacket, got into his regular shoes and began the short walk home. When he stepped out the door he shivered at the cold air connecting with the thin fabric of his pants, well he was expecting that. What he wasn't expective was to see was mina walking on the opposite side of the road. knowing that if mina saw him she would want to talk to him, so he put his hood up over his head and quickened his pase. this is what caught mina's eye, he froze upon hearing one thing "Hey Bakugou!" knowing that she saw him he broke into a sprint. sprinting down the pathway with mina on his tail, his hood had fallen down and his long hair was flowing behind him. (Yes he has long hair in this story it is just a little shorter than his waist, it is also straight by the way) H dashed into the apartment building and ran up the stairs, down the halls, and into his room slamming and locking his door right behind him. sliding with his back against the door he tried to regain his breath, once he had done so he took a shower and got ready for bed. Once ready, he slipped his body in between the cool sheets letting sleep take over him. 

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