a sleepless night of dread - 7

Start from the beginning

Feitan laid down on half of the pull-out couch, leaving the other half for you. You didn't move for a while, instead, you hid your face again and tried to calm down.


You'd lost track of time. It was dead quiet in the room, save for the burr and hum of the air conditioning cooling the room off.

You hadn't moved, but your legs were beginning to cramp, and you had to pee. Standing, you tiptoed to the bathroom, taking note of all three of the sleeping troupe members.

You could've left, but you imagined they would've woke up, or at least sensed something was missing. But you didn't entirely think that Hisoka was asleep.

Closing and locking the bathroom door, you did your business and washed your hands. You stared at your reflection in the large mirror. The cuts and bruises had begun healing, but your body was still sore.

Your phone was still in one piece, in your pocket, thankfully. You pulled it out and decided to make a call.

"Hey, Roky." You tried to stay quiet so you didn't disrupt the others. You sat down on the edge of the tub and stared up at the lights.

"Yeah, I'm alright, just checking in." A part of you wanted to tell him the truth, while another part wanted you to keep him in the dark, for his safety.

"My uncle? Oh. I must've forgotten to tell you what happened." You lied again. You hadn't had the chance to talk to him since the incident.

"I had made some significant progress, but it looks like Bryce Lazarus, some guy I traced my uncle's connections too, had also traced him down too. My uncle is dead." You left out the bit about watching it all go down and being significantly beat up in the process.

"I'm fine, yeah. Just trying to figure out some new leads and motives." Roky's voice was concerned. You could hear it. He must've been in bed, but from the tone, he sounded like he'd sat up and reached for his jacket.

"Where am I? I'm in Yorknew City. Uh for the auction." You could tell the truth finally. You weren't lying about the location or the why of it, but you weren't being 100% transparent either.

Thankfully he hadn't asked who you were with, but you doubted he would.

"I didn't wake you up did I? I just couldn't sleep so I thought I'd call. It's surprisingly lonely in the city, full of people and all." You admitted, running your fingers along the bathtub's edge.

"I should be home soon. In a few days hopefully, maybe a week? Save me a good bounty okay?" You let out a quiet laugh, happy to hear Roky sounding so cheerful. He was glad you were okay.

"I'll talk to you later, bye." You hang up, a sigh of relief rolling off your lips.

Your phone was still at about half battery, considering you hadn't used it in the past twenty-four or so hours. Rising to your feet, you took one more glance in the mirror before you turned the lights off and left the bathroom.

Everyone was still asleep, and in the same spots they were in when you'd entered the bathroom. Deciding to step out onto the small balcony that matched the small room, you slid the door open as quietly as possible.

Yorknew was lit up by the hundreds if not thousands of street lights, billboards, and stars. You had a pretty decent view of the main city from the balcony. The cool breeze blew across your shoulder and made you shiver.

Sitting in a wire chair, you looked around, inspecting for any more creepy crawlers before getting comfy.

The moon was no longer in the sky, so you assumed it was almost morning, maybe around four or five in the morning.

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