"Then we shall talk after dinner," Ectoplasm said.

   "For now, I wanna know some more about you three," Midnight said pointing at the new staff.

   "Oh? Um..I'm not that interesting.." Fuyumi said fighting with her fingers slightly.

   "Do you have any stories about Todoroki? We'd love to hear them," Midnight egged on.

   "Oh I have stories about Shoto," Natsuo said.

   "Tell them! Tell them!" Midnight encouraged.

   "Oh boy," Amaya sighed. She knew Natsuo had stories but some of them, Shoto probably didn't remember himself.

   "I think he was 8? He had gotten into a fight at school," Natsuo started.

   The other teachers became very intrigued.

   "Some of the other boys were picking on him for being Endeavor's son, as kids do," he continued.

   "Did you guys actually get pushed around for being Endeavor's kids?" Cementoss asked.

   "Me? No. I've been going to school under my mother's maiden name to avoid it since forever," Natsuo said shaking his head slightly.

   "What about you, Fuyumi? Did you ever get trouble?" Vlad King asked.

   "From some people, yes, but not nearly as much as Shoto," she answered.

   "Anyways, the bullying had continued for weeks. Shoto came home one day and told us about this continuing," Natsuo started again.

   "Oh no. This story," Fuyumi chuckled a bit.

   "So, we asked him what the boys were saying," Natsuo chuckled to himself. "They were telling him that the only reason people liked him was because, well, he was rich."

   Some of the adults snorted.

   "We told him to ignore them and act like they weren't there," he explained.

   Fuyumi added on, "Although, Dad looked like he was going to blow a fuse."

   "I thought the house was going to light on fire. But that's another story," Natsuo commented. "So, the next day, I was in class and I saw the second graders having recess out the window."

   "Todoroki was in second grade, yeah?" All Might checked.

   "Yeah, so I was looking for him when I saw him. There were some boys following him around the playground," he explained. "One of them put their hand on Shoto's shoulder when he turned away from them."

   "Here it comes," Fuyumi laughs lightly.

   "So, Shoto then proceeds to grab the boy's arm and throw him over his shoulder. The boy landed on his back and the teacher came rushing over. Now, at this point, I'm debating between running out of the room but I also don't want to miss any of the fight," Natsuo says.

   Some eyes widened and a few of Shoto's teachers laugh.

   "Next, I see one of the other boys lunge at him. Shoto moves out of the way and karate chops the poor boy right below the back of his neck," Natsuo says remembering the fight.

   "Turns out he almost broke that kid's back," Fuyumi adds.

   "Hush! It's my story!" Natsuo exclaims playfully whacking his sister's arm.

   "The teacher rushes to help and tells Shoto to calm down. You probably know that Shoto has a problem with any type of authority," Natsuo gets interrupted.

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