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The druffalo scattered as Alva nipped at a their hooves, the stampede caused mud to splash on her, Estrid whistled to her; the Mabari cutting off a calf from the rest of the herd matching it's speed as she brought the prey closer to her master.

They ate peacefully after Estrid speared the druffalo, both sat near the fire, Alva gnawing at the animal's bone, picking the small pieces of meat off it whilst Estrid stopped eating the meat in her hand and sat staring into the fire 'Maybe it was a mistake leaving? Or perhaps she should have at least brought a person with her and not three potentially dangerous animals' she shook her head, ridding her of the negative thoughts, her red hair falling to her shoulders as she did so.

The storm coast used to be her home until she got bored and decided to leave, to see larger parts on her own, to be free of the men who wanted her, the fighting, the killing, everything. She just wanted to be herself. Not someone who is to be dependent on her tribe like most of the people did, of course that was important but it just didn't feel like her.

Estrid sat up; now remembering that she was in a cave, hitting her head on the roof of it, groaning and coddling her head as she did so. Alva watched her, lolling her tongue out as if she was laughing "Go on, laugh you mangy mutt" She threatens, yet she was smiling, a thing she could do now that she didn't have her peers breathing down her neck.

Estrid noted that there was now a soft pitter-patter coming from all around the cave. Rain. The hunter thought about going for a nice walk but turned down the thought, too much bandits and predators to ever have a peaceful stroll here.

Alva suddenly stood up, looking to the entrance in alarm, her ears perked and her muscles clenched, waiting to attack. Estrid stood up slowly too, eyes darting to the entrance, she reached for her spear, 'Damn it, not one day without bandits, huh?' Soon a figure came close—no—Four of them, Alva growled and stood protectively in front of her master. "Might want to calm down your dog ma'am," A ragged voice said "Who are you to tell me what to do in my cave?" Estrid questioned, her hands clasped tightly around the spear as the person on the left came forward, his hands up in submission, he had blond hair, brown eyes, a red tunic(?) and a crossbow on his back. The hunter huffed in annoyance 'a Dwarf of course it had to be a dwarf' She lowered her weapon and latched it to the holster thingy on her lower back "I hope you have a good excuse on this." She grumbled, "Oh-ho-ho! I have enough to win you over I'm sure"

Estrid learned of their names and races; Varric Tethras was a Dwarf, she knew that of course but he was not like any dwarf she had met. Too smooth. Cocky and sarcastic, best be wary, Cassandra Pentaghast was another human, a Seeker. She was stoic and broad, yet made more sense than Varric did. Cole, he was.. weird, but nice to talk to for the time being. He read her thoughts and said the most subtle things about them but nothing about her judgment, Talis Adaar, a Qunari, Tal-Vasoth no less. He looked huge and mean but was pleasant to talk to, besides the fact that he can defeat her and Alva all by himself. She didn't want to take risks so she kept her weapons and Mabari by her side as they all sat around the circle of fire, they told stories, Estrid told them of her time with her tribe and why she departed. 'Why, why am I telling them these things? They could use it against me any time if they wanted' but they never did.

"Damn, kid. How the hell did you end up here then, I get the exploring bit but here?" Varric questioned, when Estrid didn't answer him Cole did: "Cold. Afraid, she never wanted this but she took too long to realize her danger. Taking to the hills, heart colder than her skin- "Cole." The hunter looked at him, her eyes had a pleading look in them, along with tears. Cole hung his head "I'm sorry, I only want to help" She sighed "I know but this is a pain to no one can heal."

Estrid pushed herself up, moving to the other end of the cave, Alva followed after her and flopped down lazily by her side. "I know you want to help. Cole and I like you for that but this was my decision" the others shifted uncomfortably, the tension in the cave was rising. "I think it's time to call it a day, we already have to wait a long time for the rain to stop." Varric said getting comfortable in the make shift bed Estrid had, Cassandra nodded her head, motioning Cole over "I hope we have not disrupted to your peace" The seeker apologizes "Nonsense, Just too much of a touchy subject." "Ah, I see" Estrid curled up onto her side, staring into the fire before darkness consumed her.

The world around Estrid is weird—No, wait, she's back in The storm coast. Several of the tribe members were circling her with weapons, what? She was back to the start, barely any clothes on, not even a bit of the lustrous thing she had. Not that she's complaining. Their leader, Yavik, was speaking to her in Tevinter, a language she managed to pick up. "You! You vile woman, how could you bring such darkness to these lands?" He spat, snarling at her. His accent now more noticeable. "I did no such thing!" She screamed, jolting up. Yavik growled low and sunk his blade into her side, grinning as she shrieked in pain, clutching her side and crouching as the blood flowing out of it reached the grass—

Estrid jolted awake, heavily breathing as she was taking in her surroundings; Cassandra to her in concern, Adaar moved to see what was going on, his form towering over her as she clutched her chest and sighed in relief. "I have a proposition if you would like to hear it" She glanced at Adaar and gave a curt nod "join the Inquisition?" He continued. "I-Sure" Estrid replied slowly, carefully picking her words. Cassandra smiled a bit. They packed what little things they had and made for Sky hold, their shoes dipping into puddles and snow ever-so often.

"So, they would do the creepy ritual shit right?" Estrid sighed as she now regretted letting Varric question her "Yes Varric, they do and they also taught me before I departed. I'm tempted to run my dagger through you right now" the dwarf chuckled, patting Estrid's back, "I like you kid, your funny." She grunted in annoyance.

"How's life?"

"It's fine, besides the bandits and Avaar who want to kill me."

"'Have a throne?"

"No. I am a Shield-maiden but I guess they would be considered royalty except no throne."

"Sad. Can you sing?"



"Andraste's knickers, no!"

"Hm. I think my curiosity is sated." Varric reluctantly announced, hurrying ahead. Estrid's head whipped around as she heard a deafening shriek from the beach, "A dragon!" 'No, it's a damn Nug' the hunter thought as she rolled her piercing emerald eyes continuing forward until they came to a hill with bandits scattered around it.
The hunter pulled out her bow and arrow, angling it so the pointed thing was flying towards an unsuspecting rogue, they looked surprised for a mid second before taking out there own daggers and disappearing. They kept pushing Estrid towards the edge between the abandoned houses(?) where she struggled to load another arrow 'Dammit, where is Alva?" She let out a low menacing growl.

Cassandra blocked Estrid with her body and shield as the hunter was about to be knocked of the side of the cliff, using her sword to take out an apostate. Charging forward, The seeker pummeled two of the warriors along side her, Adaar roared and swung down his axe, chopping off a man's head sending it toppling to her feet, Cole appeared next to her, stabbing yet another man in the back. Just then; she heard a call, Raksha. Estrid grinned: wherever Raksha was Morin was there.
Morin bounded over to her, shielding her with his body, speaking of her body, she felt dizzy 'When did I—' Estrid didn't finish that thought as she doubled over, her red hair shoulders, she tried to keep her posture steady as the world around her started grew darker— "Estrid!" A gruff voice brought her back; Morin curled around her protectively, Cassandra tried to make her way around but was growled at, Estrid grasped at Morin's fur with the little strength she had, the huge animal slowly disconnected from her. The grizzly growled lowly but back away, settling a few feet from Estrid who now lay unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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