back to the shithole

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your pov
you woke up at 8:30, feeling like shit from drinking monster and smoking weed. you're still wearing yesterday's makeup. in a hurry you look at your phone to see the time
"fuck fuck FUCK, school starts in half and hour, jesus this is a shit show"
in a panic you fall out your bed, moan because you hit your elbow on the floor, and then in a hurry start to get ready.
"how the hell am i going to straighten my hair, do a full face of makeup and look presentable, then walk to school  in half an hour??"

you arrive at school and walk to form.
Mrs g: "late on our first day? this is year 11 now y/n"
you: "yeah, sorry won't happen again" - you really couldn't make it more obvious that you don't give a shit.
you walk to your seat by your best mate liv, you converse whiles the wankers at the back throw gum at you.
liv: "ok so i came up with an idea for my earring shop on etsy, rainbow ass lesbian earrings that say "acab".
you: "that sounds sick liv better give me a discount. wait you could make mushroom ones?? cottagecore inni"
random slag: "what are you a goth or summit"
you: "piss off with your fucking snakeskin tube skirt"
*someone opens the door, a tall black haired boy with piercings walks through the door, he looks different to the road men. he looks like rodrick heffley. he looked sick as fuck, and hot as fuck*
rodrick lookalike: "is this room f3?"
*you and liv look at eachother, and exchange suggestive glances whiles mrs g introduces him the the class, his name is alex.*

Mrs G: "please take a seat alex, but just so you know that nail polish goes against school rules."
the boys at the back laugh at him, he doesn't seem to care.
*alex walks towards you and sits down next to you, he nods at you*
alex: "hiya, whats your name then?"
you: "my names y/n, not to sound forward or anything but you look dope"
alex: *smiles* "you don't look too bad yourself, so what music do you listen to?"
you both converse over what bands you like best, and alex tells you he's actually in a punk band, this makes you all the more interested. and liv seems to be very excited for you too.
you: "so do you smoke?"
alex: "weed? yeah, where do people smoke here then?"
you: "by the bins, i'll show you at lunch"
alex: "sound"

you show alex to the bins, say hi to the druggies and pull out a toke. alex pulls out a blunt.
alex: "yk you're pretty cool iv'e never met an alt girl that wants to smoke weed with me"
you: and you know you're cool because you look like rodrick heffley"
alex: "fucking compliment of the year"
you both laugh, and lock eyes, you feel right being around him, you like his vibe.

you: "where do you live then?"
alex: *his adress*
you: "ha no way i live down the road from there"
alex: "fr?? ahh let's walk home together then"
you: "sure!"
alex gives you his snapchat and you snap for the rest of the school day until you meet at the school entrance and walk home together.

outside alex's house.

alex: "hey wanna come in? i can show you my guitar and shit"
you: "fuck yeah"
you go up to alex's room, it's exactly what you though it'd look like
alex: sit down *pats his bed*
you sit and he pulls out his electric, plugs it into his amp and starts playing
you: "wtf man you're amazing" you say loudly over the sound of his guitar.
alex: "cheers" he says looking chuffed
he puts his guitar down and sits next to you.

you look at eachother again, in that same way as earlier, you smile and lean in to kiss him but pussy out, you think it's too soon. but alex doesn't, he kisses you, he tastes like monster ultra white and weed, you kiss for a while.
alex: "and here i am thinking school is going to be shit haha"
you both laugh
you: "fuck, i need to get back but it was great seeing you today."

wow wow wow, what just happened to me?? you think walking back, omg a new punk kid suddenly appears and we make out tf, he's literally perfect.
you message liv and tell her
my fav b
liv: yk i usually stick to girls but this alex seems perfect for you! chill on the weed though fucking hell😹😹
you delightedly run up to your room and start instantly talking to alex again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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