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I get up, ready to wake mom up because I was told to when she's home. I walk up the stairs and start skipping up the hall. I slowly open moms door only to see---

~end of recap~

"MOM!" I scream surely waking my grandfather, the sight before me was my mother all mangled.

Blood all over her once white bedspread, some spots turning a dark brown, tears had fallen down her face before she had died, that was easily seen. The sight made me sick to my stomach.

~flash back ends~

I soon snap back to reality at a high pitched sound, I look around and noted that it had gotten dark and my 'friends' never showed up. I looked at my phone wiping the tears from my face. 

"Damn its really late, fucking blackouts..." 

~??? prov~

This person has been in front of my graveyard for hours, not even moving. I even scratched them, they didn't even move! That's fucking scary, and I'm a fucking demon, it's hard to scare me like really. I slowly drag my black sharp nails over the paint job of the sleek bike. The sound was music to my ears. I see them snap out of it so fast that I stop and move behind the old tree hiding.

~(Y/N) prov~

I look over to my bike ready to leave when I saw it.

"For fucks sake, that will take ages to get out!" I yell at whatever or whoever did that.

"You know what?" I hear a slight movement as if responding.

"Fuck you! I don't care if your some demon or something else! You don't even know what that thing means to me! You may not care for what you did! But I do!" I huff and walk to my bike ready to go home. 

~time skip(again)~

I get home and pull my bike in my little shop/garage, although I'm feeling watched, I shrug it off. I grab my things to fix the scratch. 

~??? prov~

'This place is small', I think to myself well looking around. 'definitely going to enjoy fucking with this one.' I reach into their bedside table and find---

(is that what is called a cliff hanger?)

What did I get myself into...(Demon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now