Chapter 1 - Promise

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Cassandra's POV

This is ridiculous!
I have spent the last 2 months alone in the forest, thinking of what I've done. I stole Rapunzel's destiny, maybe endangering the entire universe, just because my mother left me for her... no, not for her: for her hair. Since when am I like that?! It was childish and stupid! Rapunzel was kidnapped, for fuck's sake! And I blamed her for that!

And anyways... how is that little shiny stone supposed to give me a destiny? I'm not even able to use it! The balance of the world depends on it, I cannot steal something so important because I'm jealous of my best friend!
I should go back to Corona, apologize to Rapunzel... and to Eugene... and give back the Moonstone.

She must be so mad at me... she'll never accept my apology...
But I have to do it. I have to fix my mistake.


Hidden under a long cape, Cassandra arrived in front of the castle.
Okay. Now, I just have to walk into Rapunzel's room and say "Hi, Raps! Sorry about endangering the whole world out of jealousy. But I'm good now, you can take the Moonstone!" Oh Lord...
Cass heard a familiar voice coming from the princess's balcony.

- No!


- You don't want to help me. You don't want to save my father. You want to save YOURSELF.

What is he talking about?

- N... no... Varian, I'm really going to help you! Give me a second chance!


- I gave you plenty of second chances! I asked you to help me EVERY DAY! But you didn't. Because you wanted to stay in your cocoon of peace where everyone thinks about you and only you! You want everyone to take care of you, poor little princess!

What? No... It's impossible... it's been two months!
Rapunzel can't possibly have ignored him for that long if he asked for help every day... right?
Rapunzel isn't selfish... right? Rapunzel doesn't let people suffer... right?

- You refused to help me because you would have had to get out of your cocoon. And because you knew I couldn't do anything. Because I was at your mercy. And now you want to help me because YOU are at MY mercy.
But I don't want your help anymore, your Highness. It's. Too. Late.
Next time, you'll think twice before deciding that the peasant is too poor to deserve your royal attention. But wait... there won't be a next time.

No... How could she...
Before Cassandra had the time to process what she heard about Rapunzel, she heard a terrified scream. She looked up. She saw Varian. He was falling. Falling from the balcony. She couldn't move. She was paralyzed by the shock.
It's okay. Rapunzel will catch him with her hair.
So Cassandra waited. She waited, expecting to see Rapunzel's golden locks catching Varian.
But nothing came. Varian fell, fell, fell, screaming. And suddenly, he stopped screaming. He stopped screaming because he had stopped falling.
Varian's body was lying on the ground, a puddle of blood growing slowly around him.
He was dead.

What... happened ?

Cassandra couldn't believe what she was seeing. Varian couldn't be dead. Because Rapunzel couldn't have let that happen.

But she did.

She let him die.




Cassandra's POV

I have been so stupid to want to be friends with her again. To forgive her. I have been so naïve. But I know better now. I know what kind of person she is.

Thank you for showing me, Varian. I understand you, now. You were never the bad guy.

And I will bring you back.

I promise.


I hope you liked this first chapter !

The initial idea of making a sequel to my OS was from AdrianLightD. We're creating it together.

The second chapter will be published next week, I'll try to update every Monday.
See you next week !

~Julie Saphir

Oh, by the way, here's the cover in better quality :
(I drew it myself, as well as the illustration in the prologue.)


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