Prologue - The villain

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When Rapunzel returns to Corona, Varian is still in jail. He has understood that he was wrong so he tries to make amends with Rapunzel and ask for help again. Too preoccupied by Cassandra's betrayel, she turns him down.
He asks for help over and over again but she always ignores him, influenced by her father and Eugene who want her to be safe and don't care about anyone else.
So Varian gets angry again, manages to escape and plots his revenge : getting rid of Rapunzel. Permanently.


Rapunzel was on the floor of her balcony, Varian towering her holding a sword, ready to kill her.

"- Varian, please ! cried Rapunzel, I'll help you free your father ! I want to help you !

- No ! Varian screamed, You don't want to help me. You don't want to save my father. You want to save YOURSELF.

- N... no... Varian, I'm really going to help you ! Give me a second chance !

- I gave you plenty of second chances ! I asked you to help me EVERY DAY ! But you didn't. Because you wanted to stay in your cocoon of peace where everyone thinks about you and only you ! You want everyone to take care of you, poor little princess !
You refused to help me because you would have had to get out of your cocoon. And because you knew I couldn't do anything. Because I was at your mercy. And now you want to help me because YOU are at MY mercy.
But I don't want your help anymore, your Highness. It's. Too. Late.
Next time, you'll think twice before deciding that the peasant is too poor to deserve your royal attention. But wait... there won't be a next time."

Varian lifted his sword. His father's sword. Ready to kill the person who made him believe in friendship before crushing all his hopes and destroying his life. The person he was naïve enough to forgive when he was in jail, punished for her selfishness. The person he said sorry to before begging her for help again. The person who turned him down again.
He was ready to end his so-called friend's life. She abandoned him. She didn't deserve this title.
She abandoned one of her subject because she considered herself more important. She didn't deserve the title of princess.

But. At the last moment. At the last second. Eugene.
Eugene rushed on the balcony to save his damsel in distress.
At the last second, he pushed Varian away.

And Varian lost his balance.

And Varian fell off the balcony.

And Rapunzel didn't use her hair to catch him.

She was too busy caring about her own emotions, crying in Eugene's arms.
Too busy to care about Varian's terrified scream as he realized that it was over.
Over. All over.


Rapunzel pulled out of Eugene's embrace.

"- I was so scared...

- I konw, Sunshine.. but it's okay now, you're safe."

She stood up with her boyfriend's help and turned to him.

"- He fell... Eugene, he fell... I... I could have caught him with my hair... I LET HIM DIE !

- Hey, hey, calm down ! Eugene said, running a hand through her hair, it's not your fault, he tried to kill you. You are the victim, Rapunzel, you can't blame yourself.

- I know, she answered, but still... I should have caught him...

- You were shocked, it's okay. And... Eugene hesitated, if you had caught him... he would have tried to kill you again. Blondie, he was completely mad ! He was dangerous ! Some people just don't deserve to be saved.
Come on, let's go ask the guards to move his body. And then you'll rest, Sunshine, you need it."

And they walked away, hand in hand, not looking back, not taking a glance at Varian's body.
Rapunzel leaned against Eugene's shoulder. She was safe. Her boyfriend and family were safe. It was all that mattered.

After all, who cares about the villain ? Who cares about the insane alchemist ?
Who cares about a broken and abandoned boy who cried himself to sleep every night because he missed his father so much.
A boy who will never cry again. Never see his father again.
But who cares ? The good guys are safe. The good guys are safe and the villain is no more. Happy ending.
Right ?

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That's it for the prologue !
First chapter coming soon !

~Julie Saphir

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