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"Where do you think we go when we die?" Louis asked quietly, looking up from his notebook to the curly headed one sitting in front of him on his bed.

"I don't know," Harry said, putting down the book he was reading, "Why do you ask?" "N-no reason," Louis stuttered out. He wasn't gonna tell him the real reason right now. He wasn't gonna tell him that he asked because he wanted to know where he would go if he ended his own life before the world did ti for him. If he let the world win.

"Where do you think we go?" asked Harry. "You'll laugh if I say," Louis mumbled. "Why would I laugh at you, Lou?" Harry said softly. He put one finger under Louis' chin, making his beautiful deep ocean blue eyes to look into his own emerald green ones.

Instead of responding they just sat there for a few minutes just staring into each other's eyes. Louis' eyes finally left Harry's to flick down to his lips, then right back up to his eyes. He leaned forward slightly, tilting his head a bit. Harry noticed and followed his actions, doing the same. After a few seconds, their lips pressed together softly, barely touching. The feeling of Louis' lips on his own made Harry feel safe, like every secret he held just disappeared, every worry, every care, every responsibility, just gone. He somehow found confidence and leaned forward, deepening the kiss. Louis' lips moved softly against his own. Eventually they had to pull back to breath. When they did, both boys seemed flustered, yet calm and satisfied at the same time.

Louis layed down on his bed, head on his pillow, looking over to Harry silently telling to lay down too. Harry hesitantly crawled over and layed his head on Louis' chest, wrapping his arm around the other boy's torso. Louis put his arm around Harry's shoulders, cuddling him close.

Louis looked down at the boy on his chest, taking in his beauty, his curls, his eyes that were fighting to stay open, his cheekbones and jawline.

"I belive," Louis began, Harry looked up him from his chest, "That we will go..." he paused for a second, looking at Harry again, "Up in the stars." he whispered.

Up in the StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora