"I can walk just fine," (Y/N) sighed in protest. She looked over to Muzan, who still sat quietly at the tea table with an apathetic look—which she knew was just a ruse by feeling his slightly worried aura.

Despite her declaration, Akaza still carried her to her room (putting the box of sakura mochi down on the tea table before doing so) with Douma trailing them—still in nonstop tears, by the way. He put her down as gently as he could muster on top of her futon and sat beside her as Douma sat at her feet. Kokushibou came in moments later and took a seat behind the girl to examine the gash on her waist.

Trailing behind nonchalantly, Muzan strolled into the room with the same, unemotional look on his features, but he sighed in annoyance when he got a full view of the girl's injuries. He sat next to her, opposite of Akaza.

"You all couldn't sense me coming here?" (Y/N) questioned as the bloodied bandage on her waist was unwrapped.

"I was too worried to!" Douma shakily cried, still furiously wiping at his tears.

"Me too," Akaza agreed, doing his best to sit still. Besides worry and panic, the girl also sensed anger from his aura—though she didn't know who it was directed to, she figured his anger why was he stayed mostly silent.

After not receiving a response from the other two demons, she went to ask another question.

"Why are you all here?"

"We were all waiting for you!" Douma replied instantly again. He seemed to just ignore the trailing tears on his face now.

(Y/N) sighed when she felt Kokushibou's hands pat her newly bandaged waist from behind, signalizing he was done. She had gotten used to the Upper Moon One speaking to her without using much of his words. She looked over at the four all around her, and sighed.

"Alright, come here," she breathed out, spreading her arms wide open as an invitation.

Douma was the first to take it, climbing onto the girl's lap—which she winced at since her wounds on her legs were still open—and throwing his arms around her neck. He dug his face into the crook of her neck, and she felt his warm tears stain her skin.

Akaza was second. He took hold of her hand so gently that she barely even noticed it, and intertwined his fingers with hers. He leaned forward, laying his head on the girl's upper arm and hugging it.

From behind, she felt Kokushibou wrap his arms around her waist and lay his head on her back. His hold felt protective and light, almost as if he was scared to hurt her as he made sure not to put pressure on the gash he just bandaged.

At the lack of touch on her other arm, the (H/C) haired girl turned to Muzan, who sat back and watched the four hugging in front of him as if they were the lowest pieces of garbage. When he met her gaze, his eyes practically declined her offer.

"You, too," (Y/N) called to him, gesturing him to join with her arm.

The demon progenitor let out another sigh of annoyance—which, through his aura, (Y/N) knew was actually a sigh of relief—and moved forward in compliance to join. With a not-so-gentle tug on her wrist, he leaned in and held her arm, resting his chin on top of her head.

They five of them stayed like that in comfort for awhile. That strange flower of warmth blossomed inside the girl once again, and she knew it wasn't just from the body heat from the demons all over her—who barely even had body heat, actually. She embraced the soothing warmth, just like she embraced the friends around her.

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