I take a deep breathe and walk towards the door and open it.

I look up at Amelia with my red puffy eyes.

Teddy: Come in.

I walk towards the bed again and lay down staring at the celling trying to forget my life.

I see Amelia brush through the door then close it and sits on the bed.

Amelia: I heard what happened to Sara, I'm so sorry Teddy.

A couple minutes pass by before I respond back.

Teddy: Not all good things last. We have to appreciate things while we can. I miss Sara and Henry, I just hope there in a better place.


Teddy: Hi I think I'm your roommate?

Woman: Yeah Hi I'm Sara, Sara Beckett but most of my friends just call me Beck.

Teddy: I'm Teddy, nice to meet you Sara!

Sara: I'm going out to play some 5v5 basketball with some of the boys in the dorm do you wanna come?

Teddy: Yeah I might come and watch I'm gonna unpack right now though.

Sara: Ok you should come it will be fun you'll get to meet the guys.

A couple days later:

Sara: Did you study for the bio test?

Teddy: No but the guys were saying it was hard.

Sara: Well we have till Monday to study so and if we don't pass we need to retake bio so you should study with my study group sometime!

Teddy: Yeah, that sounds great!

Teddy *Present Time* And shes, shes dead too.

Teddy's pager goes off



Amelia: Check that it could be urgent.

Teddy: Yeah I'm getting paged to the pit, I'll talk to you later?

Amelia: Yeah just page me if you need to talk I'm here for you, you know that.

Teddy: Yes I know but I'm fine.

Amelia: Ok I need to finish some post-ops I'll let you be.

Meredith: Hey Teddy this woman keeps flatlining we've ruled out all head injuries do we're guessing it has something to do with her heart? By the way this is Tom he's the new head of Neuro.

Teddy: Yeah uhm.. we met a little while ago.

Tom: Yeah... she showed me around the hospital a little. *says awkwardly*

Meredith: Ah ok then let's figure this out!

* 1 hour later*

Meredith: Whew that was close I thought for sure we were going to lose her! Thank you guys both for the help you we're incredible together in there.

Tom: Why thank you!

Teddy: Thanks so were you Mer. I couldn't have saved her without you guys!

*Mer walks out of the room leaving Teddy and Tom alone in the attendings lounge*

Tom: So uh, you wanna go get something to eat?

Teddy: I- I- already ate *says nervously*

Tom: Ahh I see its cool you can just say you don't like me.

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