Hacking 101

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Izuku Midoriya didn't have the best life. But he wasn't going to let a few road bumps stop him.
Every time something knocked him down he'd get up.... Eventually.

Right now the teen was grabbing boba and walking back to his apartment.
He had lived alone since he was eight, but had learned to hack at seven so he had been able to provide for himself selling some of the (potentially illegal) information he got.
It was better then living with his father.

He unlocked the door and threw his backpack on the small couch, today had been the last day of Junior high. And it had gone, more or less, exactly as he had expected it.

It had been a usual school day, up until the last class where the teacher (being an Irresponsible asshole) had thrown the papers they were supposed to fill out, in the air and the singled Izuku out for wanting to go to UA. That got the attention of his ex-friend turned bully, Bakugo Katsuki, Who after school ended told Izuku to take a swan dive off the roof of the building.

Izuku didn't have to go to UA, but he wanted to because:
1: it would be fun to fuck with the school, send them on a wild goose chase and then reveal that the person causing all the shit was right under their noses all the time
2: it pissed Katsuki off.

One good thing had come out of that experience though. Izuku finally had his vigilante/hacker name.

Swan Dive.

"Let's see if dear Katsuki is as smart as he pretends to be."
Izuku smirked and flopped on his rolling chair after putting his boba on the desk. He did a full spin on his chair before facing his computer.
He punched in his password and tapped into Katsuki's phone.
Now he had a choice to make. Send out the video he had secretly recorded of Katsuki suicide baiting him so he never got into UA in the first place, or wait and send it out after he got in just so he could cause a bunch of drama.
Izuku smiles and saved the video for later, but he did leave Katsuki a little gift.
Izuku then signed up for UAs Gen Ed exam, before quickly hacking into the government and downloading as much information on as many hero's as he could for one of his clients.
After that was finished he grabbed his phone and decoded one of the messages for another client.
He then checked the time.
"1:30 Jeez, I need to start keeping track of time" he grabbed a voice changer, the his phone and dialled a number.
"Hawks, this is Swan Dive, that guy you sent the coded stuff to to get uncoded." There was a pause. "Yes I have more information on the case, can you meet tomorrow?" Pause "good see you then"
He hung up the dialled a different number.
"Is this Shigaraki?" Pause, "I have the classified stuff you wanted on All Might. Where do you want the exchange to take place?" Another pause "ok, I'll be there, see you in a bit"
Izuku put on his mask, and trench-coat and shoes, he then stuffed a USB drive in his pocket and left his apartment.

~the next morning, Katsukis pov~
I woke up to my old hag yelling at me, I sighed and grabbed my fucking phone. I turned it on only to find a message
"Dear Katsuki, I hope you have enough money for a new phone, because this one isn't gonna be working anytime soon. Love Swan Dive"
Who the fuck is Swan Dive!?

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of The illegal hero.
I am exited to start a vigilante Deku fanfic.
I have wanted to do that for a while.
With that being said I won't be able to post often due to family issues and stuff like that. I will try to post as often as possible so please Bear with me.
Love you all

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