"Wait, nurse." I say softly as she walks away.

"Yes, ma'am?" She asks.

"Can you tell me what happen because I know nothing?" I say softly.

"All I know is that he was in a car accident. Someone ran a red light and slammed into the driver's side door, but they brought him into a trauma room. They are clearing up his wounds, but that is all I know. I will let the doctor know you are here and he will come speak to you when he is done with everything." She says standing up.

"Thank you." I say softly.

"You're welcome." She says smiling softly.

Now it was a waiting game. I thought to call his dad, but I did not have his father's number. So, I just waited. I waited for about an hour and half when a man in scrubs approached me.

"Are you Regina?" He asks.

"Yes, is Robin okay?" I ask standing up.

"He will be. He is being brought to a room right now. We contacted you because you were the last person in his contacts and his only emergency contact." I smiled slightly at that.

"What happened to him?" I ask. I hadn't stopped crying yet. So, I was probably a mess.
"We were checking for broken bones of any kind and he does have two broken ribs. I cannot do anything about those, but they will heal within time. He has cuts on his arm and a scratch on his face from glass, but they were very minor not deep at all. He suffered a minor concussion and he has a small fracture in his left foot." He says softly.

"Oh my god." I say dropping my head in my hands. I started crying again. I wiped my cheeks, but the tears still fell. "So, he is going to be okay?" I ask.

"Yes, he will be fine. He hasn't woken up yet, but if you would like to go sit with him I can show you to his room." He says smiling.

"Yes, please, thank you." I say smiling slightly. He walked me down a few hallways until we came to his room. He opened the door and I teared up at the sight. He looked so helpless. He had a few bruises and a black boot up to the middle of his calf. The doctor left me alone with him and closed the door behind me. I put my purse on the table and went kissed his forehead. I pulled up the chair next to his bed. I sat facing him and took his hand into both of mine. There was no telling how long it would be before he woke up. I had my arm resting on his bed, so I put my head on my arm and tried to relax. Well, I am a worry ward and I couldn't relax until he woke up. So, I just watched him. Tears streamed down my face every so often, but I couldn't help it. It was well over an hour before I felt his hand squeeze mine. I looked up and his eyes started to flutter open.

"Regina." He says softly.

"Hi, babe." I say standing up. I never let go of his hand. I did try to wipe under my eyes to make it look like I had not been crying, but I think that was hopeless at this point. "How are you?" I ask softly.

"Could be better." He says smiling. I couldn't help but smile when I saw his dimples. "I have a terrible headache though."

"You have a minor concussion." I say sitting on the edge of his bed.

"That would explain the throbbing." He says rubbing his head. "I'm sorry I ruined our night together."

"Don't be sorry. This isn't your fault." I say bringing his hand up to my chest. "We can do that another night. I just want you to feel better." I could feel the tears starting to appear again. I dropped my head into my hands again as the tears started to fall.

"Hey, beautiful, come here." He says pulling my hand away from my face. He pulled me to lie down next to him. He pulled me close as I cried into his chest. "I'm okay, I promise."

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