Toby x E.J.

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(3rd person POV)

Toby woke up with a headache, he didn't know why, he rarely ever did. "Aghh why today?" Toby thought. There was nothing special going on today, he just didn't want to wake up like this. "Maybe if I eat something.." he thought as he walked to the kitchen. Jack was eating kidneys(of course) and noticed Toby almost immediately. "Morning Toby" E.J. said. "Morning-" Toby said, sulking and  sounding almost mad, which he was, he hated headaches. E.J. caught on to Toby's behavior and asked "Your not as enthusiastic as normal. What's wrong?" "Headache.." Toby answered, putting waffles in the toaster. "Oh uhh- feel better soon?" E.J. replied, not knowing how to handle these kinds of situations. "Thank you-" Toby said, sounding a bit less angry. Anything E.J. said that was nice to Toby could always make him feel better. There was silence for a moment, until Toby's waffles popped up. He covered the waffles in syrup and ate them, not fast like he normally did due to his headache, but it did help a bit.

(E.J.'s POV)

"Hey umm.." I said as Toby began to walk back to his room. Toby turned around. "Yeah?" He asked. I almost got lost in his eyes for a minute, I could stare at those dark eyes all day and have no problem. "I- um- nevermind it's nothing-" I said, it was something though, I wanted him to know how I felt, I've had a crush on him forever, but now was probably not the time. "Well it had to have been something if you started talking in the first place" Toby said. He was right. "I-I'll tell you when you feel better" I said, nervously. "You better.." Toby said before turning back around and heading back to his room. "I'm so stupid! Why didn't I just tell him?!" I thought. Sally came up to me, apparently hearing the conversation. "What did you wanna tell Toby?" "How long have you been standing there?!" I asked. "Not long, I just heard your conversation and now I'm curious" Sally said. "Oh uhh, well it's nothing you need to worry about." I said. "But I wanna knowww!!" The little girl said in a tone that almost sounded like whining and begging mixed together. "Ughh fine. Just promise you won't tell anyone okay?" "Okii!" Sally said excitedly. I looked around to make sure that no one but Sally would hear. "Well umm.. I wanted to tell him that I like him.." I said quietly. "Woahh!! Really?!" Sally squeaked. "Shhh!! Someone's gonna hear you! But yes, really." I said, regretting telling her. "Well, you better tell him soon! I'm not fully sure but I think he likes you back~~" Sally said. "Y-you think so?" I ask, suprized. "Yeah of course! I've seen the way he looks at you!" Sally said happily. That made me blush. Toby looks at me, Differently then he does to others? But in a good way? I cant help but blush more thinking about him. "Oohh~ someone's blushing~" this only made me blush more "N-NO I'M NOT!!" I said, nervous. Sally only laughed at this. I covered my face in my hands as the little girls laughs only get more intense.

(Toby's POV)

"I wonder what he was gonna tell me.." I mumble. "I guess I'll just have to wait-" I sigh. "Stupid head-" I thought. "What if he was gonna confess?!" No, I knew he wouldn't. Why would someone as cool as him, like someone as weird and chaotic as me? But a man can dream. Right? I sigh again and twitch a little. "I should get some rest" I thought to myself. And right before dozing off to sleep, Sally comes barging into my room with E.J. following her. I immediately shoot up. "Sally?! E.J.?! What are yo-" Sally cut me off "E.J. HAS SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO TELL YOU!!~~" my head still hurt a little but it started to pound slightly. "Wha-?" I started, when Sally pushed Jack a little further in the room, ran out shutting the door behind her. "I- umm-" Jack started "dammit I shouldn't have told her, I'm so stupid.." he mumbled. "Your not stupid!" I said. Jack thanked me.

(3rd person POV)

Both boys were slightly blushing. "Sooo umm... what did you need to tell me that Sally was super excited about?" Toby asked. "Well umm.. I'm not really sure how to say this but.. I- I-" E.J. said, his face growing more and more red. "I really really REALLY- like you.." E.J. said his blush only growing. "Wow, I uhh- w-wasn't expecting t-that.." Toby said studering. "But- I feel the same way!!" Toby blurted out. E.J. stared in shock as Toby's face also grew redder and redder to the point where he covered his face in his hands. E.J. hugged Toby tightly and asked Toby to be his boyfriend, Toby hugged back and said yes. But as if this was planned as soon as the pulled away, you could hear squealing from outside of Toby's room. "Sally" E.J. stated, knowing that she was the only one who would've known and been standing outside of the room. You could hear her footsteps running away as she giggled. Toby was laughing too, which made E.J. smile. Toby pulled Jack in for another hug, and the stood there hugging for about a minute. Neither of them wanted to let go but they did eventually. Toby got an idea, "Can we give eachother nick-names?" Toby asked smiling. Toby's smile made the sun seem like nothing to Jack because it Jack, Toby had the brightest smile in the universe. "Of course" E.J. replied also smiling. "Yaay! I'm gonna call you.." Toby thought for a minute "..Jackie!!" Toby said happily. "Okay, I'll call you.." E.J. had to think for a bit, are there any nick-names for the name Toby? "How about... Tobaby?" E.J. asked. "Ooh~ I like that!" Toby said happily. "Glad you like it-" E.J. said.


So now "Tobaby" and "Jackie" could never be happier

The end!!!

(Did I write this late at night?


but still I hope you like my story! I'll definitely make more stories I dont know when but I will! Byee😌)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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Toby x E.J. (Eyeless Jack) Creepypasta fanficWhere stories live. Discover now