Chapter 2

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The day was warm and bright, a good one for traveling. Once Serizawa packed up his scant belongings, he followed his new companions into the forest where they had hidden a wooden cart. It was the kind that could be pulled by man or beast, laden with trunks and a large medicine bag. Herbs were tied to the sides so they could dry in the sun.

Reigen patted the old, sturdy wagon. "This is the heart of our operation, Serizawa. Where I keep all my supplies and medicines to sell. You can just throw your things on top."

"You don't have a horse," Serizawa noted as he did as he was bade. "How do you move it?"

"Mob and I take turns pulling it," Reigen said, securing the new load. "Some days he'll use his magic, sometimes his muscles. It depends on if we're in the country or the city."

"I want to get stronger," Mob said, grabbing the wooden handles. "It's good training."

"I could help too," Serizawa offered. He didn't want to be a burden on the others.

Reigen looked pleased that Serizawa took the initiative. "Great." He clapped the taller man on the back, startling him. As they made their way through the woods, Reigen and Serizawa strode side by side in front of Mob. They were supposed to be keeping lookout in case of bandits, but Reigen seemed more concerned with their new companion.

"First item on the agenda," Reigen declared, running a hand through Serizawa's thick, dark hair, "is to get you cleaned up. I can't have you handling the medicines if you aren't sanitary."

Serizawa shivered at the sensation. It was all too brief but Reigen's fingers had felt heavenly. "Sanitary?" he asked.

"One of the main reasons people stay sick is because their tinctures have been improperly prepared by filthy people," Reigen explained. He wiped his hand on his pants. "So, Mob and I wash up before we make anything."

"Oh." That made sense to Serizawa. "It will be a while before we get to the nearest village. I don't think there are any bathhouses in the woods." The last time he had been to a proper wash house was when he had served his former King.

"Mob spotted a river on the way in," Reigen said. "The day is warm enough and uh, no offense but," he took a dramatic whiff of Serizawa's clothes, "your clothes need a good wash too."

The taller man understood. He could not think of the last time he had used water for anything other than drinking. His skin itched with the caked-on filth. The idea of being clean again, of walking next to this man in equal standing was appealing. "None taken."

They heard the river before they saw it. There was a clear patch of land for them to park the wagon that was dry and sturdy. The bank of the river was rocky but for a sandy patch that would be suitable for their purpose. "I'm hoping not to stay out here tonight but we might not have much choice," Reigen said. "Even in the sun, clothes take time to dry."

"Traveling in wet clothes will make you sick," Mob recited, as if parroting back something he had heard.

"Right." Reigen opened one of the trunks in the back of the wagon and pulled out some bottles and a bar of soap. "Here." He gave the bottles and soap to Serizawa. "These are for your hair, first this one, then the other and the soap is for the rest of you," he explained.

Serizawa opened the top of one of the bottles, it had a musky scent. "Did you make these?" he asked.

"Yes," Reigen answered with pride, "they take a little more work but they sell well." Reigen stood there, as if waiting for something. "Aren't you going to clean up?" Reigen asked, hands on his hips.

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