Chapter 1: Flashbacks

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(A/N: so I wanted a chapter dedicated on all that has happened in the past 2 years. So the girls are having another one of their sleep overs.)

Marinette's POV

We're having another one of our sleepovers. It's currently Thursday. Thank God the week is almost over.

I get a weekend away from my easily influenced classmates (oh Mari why can't you just say idiotic or oblivious 😁😁). So yeah were having a flashback party as we like to call it.

"Oh I remember when Chloe defended me from our easily influenced classmates."I say.

"You mean idiotic" Chloe says.

"Don't be afraid to call them idiots Mari-him" Kagami says.

"Yeah what ever , just let me tell the story"I say.

"Ugh fine" Chloe says rolling her eyes.

- flashback -

Lila walks into the class limping with bruises all over her body.

"Oh my Gosh Lila what happened to you" my so called best friend screams going to the liers aid.

"Ma ma ma" the lier says.

"Come on Lila tell is who did this to you" Rose says.

"Yeah they won't do anything to you with us here" Alix says.

"Marinette" she says with a fake horse voice.

"Wait. WHAT! You can't just accuse me like that I haven't seen you all day. How would I beat you up"I ask.

"I have a voice recording of you threatening me"she says playing it. If you listened closely you would hear it's not mine.

And I would never say something that bad about my friends.

"How could you"Mylene says.

"Not cool dudet" Nino says.

"But I didn't say all of that"I say looking at Adrien for help but he just shrugged.

"Denying it. You worse than Chloe and I thought we were friends" Ayla scoffs.

"This is ridiculous utterly ridiculous" Chloe says"we all know Marinette would never do or say all of those things"

"Wow a bully protecting a bully now that's priceless" Sabrina says earning a glare from me.

"Don't just don't"I shout "she was just trying to defend me unlike you she didn't believe a lier over me so if you don't have anything nice to say just Shut UP!"I shout.

"Wo-"Alya tries to say.

"Didn't you hear me I know for a fact that whatever is going to come out of your mouth is a snarky remark and I don't want to hear it"

"Wow dudet chill" Nino says.

"Ok I'll chill but first let me ask you one question, do you believe what Lila is telling you"I ask.


"Do you believe it"I shout.

"Of course we do I mean you've been acting up these couple of days"Ayla says.

"So you don't believe me"my voice cracks.

"I believe you" Chloe says and I smile and nod and head to the back of the class and Chloe joins me.

"We are now officially the outcasts of the class" I say.

"Listened Marinette I'm sorry for everything I've done"she says"could you ever forgive me"

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