"You are," Aegon mutters, "You're the king's heir."

Rhaenys rolls her eyes, "Hush, both of you. Father isn't going to kill us. It would cause far too many problems and he has enough of those."

They make their way to where their father was recovering in his chambers. Apparently, the escape had turned physical and her father had ended up with a couple of arrows in him. Rhaenys figured that it was Selena who had done this.

"You sent for us?" Rhaenys says as she stands by the door, Aegon and Jon standing behind her.

Rhaegar looks at them, indigo eyes cold, "Yes, come here."

Rhaenys looks back at her brothers before joining her father at his bedside. Aegon stood beside her and Jon stood next to him. Rhaegar eyed them each carefully, "Selena has run off with my brother and sister. They have betrayed the Targaryen name."

"Have they?" Aegon asks, "Perhaps they were kidnapped, I mean Viserys was stabbed."

"Is there something that you are implying Aegon?" Rhaegar asks, eyes narrowing at his son. Rhaenys glanced at the door to see Ser Arthur standing there and knew that it was better to just cooperate with whatever their father wanted.

She nudges Aegon and he sighs before answering, "No father."

"Good," Rhaegar says, "Because I want you to go to Storm's End and I want you to kill Selena."


"There it is!" Selena heard Allara shout from the front of the boat, "Storm's End!"

Selena looked over the side of the boat to see the faint outline of the home that she'd been taken from all those years ago. It was unfamiliar to her, but she was eager to walk the halls that her mother and father had. The halls that Robert, Stannis, and Renly had once walked.

She suddenly began to feel anxious. What if her people had thought that she'd betrayed them? She was bringing two Targaryens home with her. Ashara had told her how everyone felt about Rhaegar, what would stop them from feeling the same about Viserys and Daenerys?

"You don't look very excited for someone that's literally moments away from entering her home," Larrisa says as she stands beside Selena, "What's on your mind?"

"I'm excited," Selena says with a small smile, "I've waited for this moment all my life."

"But?" Larissa asks.

"I know nothing about my home. Their customs, traditions. What if they're disappointed?" Selena asks and Larrisa laughs, making Selena feel very insecure after confiding in her.

"The great Selena Baratheon is worried about her people not accepting her," Larrisa teases.

Selena laughs at how stupid it sounds, "It's stupid, you're right."

"It is stupid," Larrisa answers honestly, "Besides, don't worry about everyone else. This is your home."

"We can't stay long," Selena mutters as she stares at the castle in the distance, "Rhaegar will be after us and the castle will hold under a siege, but we can't risk that. Besides, I know you all want to return home."

"I can't wait to show you the Eyrie," Larissa says with a grin, "Now that is a castle that can't be besieged."

Selena rolls her eyes, "Yes yes, brag about your little castle on the mountain."

Larissa blinks as though getting an idea, "That's where we should set up camp after this. My father would be happy to host you. Rhaegar and his men wouldn't make it past the Bloody Gate."

BLOOD WARS | D. TargaryenWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu